Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Sfory of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico''s famous and Very Influential Apparition of "Mary" in 1531

On Sunday Decemer 12th, some American ex-pats in Mexico witnessed a Mexican tradition that was new to them, a long caraan of cars and bicicles carring statues and pictures of "Mary" as ” Our Lady of Guadalupe”, which commenmorates an appearance of “Mary” on that date in 1531`to an Aztec man who had converted to Catholicism, namd Juan Diego. Among other members of the long train of vehicles was a man on a bicicle with a huge staties of the Lady of Guadalupe strapped to his back., a statue about ten feet tall. There was a truckload of statues and pictures of this "Mary" in the line as well.

The following video is a Catholic film about the history of this evcent. The apparition performed a miracle to convince the Catholic bishop of its authenticity, and a church was built on the site o commemorate her appearance. Pilgrims go by the millions to this site every year in Mexico.

If the film’s history of this event is true, the apparition converted eight million Aztecs to Catholicism. A miracle occurred in which her image appeared on the cloak worn by Juan Dieego continingd symbols recognized by the Aztecs to represent elements of their own religion, which gave authenticity to it in thir eyes. The film claims that the number converted was ten timese that of the number lost at the same time in Europe to “the Protestant Reoltt, meaning of course the Protestant Reformation. --

So this is Catholic propaganda, some of which is probably true enough though I have no way of judging. Sad of course that the Aztecs gave up their pagan religion for what is really jujst another pagan religion.

Watching the video again I'm struck by the disgust felt by the Roman Catholic conquistadores at the Aztecprctice of human sacrifice. Does seem natural at first, they being Europeans and all,until you realize that they had no problem slaughtering mill8ions of dissidents against their beliefs. Over 600 years it is calculated that the Roman church murdered some 67 million nonCatholics, 50 million of them Christiqan protestawnts, the rest Jews, Muslims, witches and so onh. Even at the rate given in the film of fifty thousand per year sacrificed by the Aztecs to their gods it would have taken the a thousand years to equal the number of murders by thne Roman church in eUROPE.

I already posted this film below but it also elongs here. This is "messages from Heaven" which exposes the Marian apparitiobs as demonic impersonations of "the Virtgin "Mary: based on the biblical accounts.

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