Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Miracles Associated With the Marian Apparition at Guadalupe Add to Its Antichrist Character Since "She" Contradicts the Bible

UPDATE: For me it's been an eyeopener to explore this bit of Mexican history. Well, it's really not right to call it a "bit" because this apparition and its image that has been preserved for five hundred years has clearly been crucially important in shaping Mexican national identity. It brought together the native Indian tribes and the Spanish conquistadores into one religious identity of Roman Catholicism. It is such a powerful unifier one hesistates at the thought of its being disturbed in any way, so that even the fact that it functions to deprive its followers of salvation in Christ gives one pause. Somehow the message must be given in a way that doesn't disrupt the unifty. Without directly q1uestioning the event and its image I suppose. i wonder if that's possible.

To the flesh I find many attractive things about Mexico, much of it in its artistic expressions. I like spanish coloniahn architexture because it shows their interest in decorative features. the wrought iron, the arched doorways, the pretty tiles and so on. I like the image of the Guadalup0e itself for that matter, I like a lot of Medieval art for its simpliecity of design. I noticed in one video that stairs going up to the site of Juan Dietgo's encounter with "Mary"{ are decorated with patterned tiles. We dont do that here in America. We make dull boxes and blank surfaces. But of course thats another subject.


, It's really rather fascinating to encounter Romanist propaganda and there is a lot of it about the "Virgin" of Guadalupe or Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico's iconic Apparition that appaers to far transcend any lore or teachings about Jesus Christ. In fact Catholicism so reveres and exalts "Mary" all over the world it really sholuldn't be called Christianity at all, but perhaps Marianity or something like that. Pope John Paul is known for his special devfotion to Mary. Of course Jesus is always mentioned in the accounts somewhere, but always in a subordinate role, as a baby, as having delegated His power to her and that sort of thing.
This is of course not the true Mary of the Bible who was the mother of Christ, and I guess that has to be said from time to time because she was a humble human being who knjew she needed a savior whereas the Marian apparitions claim the attributes of God and usurp the position of Christ. He's our only mediator with God, the scripture tells us, but "she" claims to be "Mediatrix" who intercedes with "her son" for us. He is our Redeemer but "she's claims the title "Co-Recemptrix." The film I've posted a couple of times now, "Messges from Heaven" details these claims.

Such claims make "her" such an Antichrist it is understandable why Alexander Hislop suggested she might in fact be the final Antichrist. She certainly fits the definition but she doesn't as far as I'vve been able to determine fit the biblical portrait of the Ancichrist. Nevertheless she MUST play an imporant role in the end times scenario considering the immense influence of these appartitions around the world, and in fact what is claimed for Our Lady of Guadalupe exalter her to deity.

The video I'm posting here is a discussion of all the supposed miraculous qualities attached to the image of Guadalupe that is displayed in her shrine inb Mexico. It goes into great detail about aspects of the portrait they've determined to prove its divine origin. It may have a supernatural origin, I wouldn't despute that myself since I knjow the origin of such apparitions is satanic, but I wouldn't know how to assess all the claims. Perhaps some are made up or fraudulent, some supernatural etc.

One thing is certain, they are not divine, not from God that is, because everything about the elevation of Mary and the apparitions themselves and esepcially the attributes claimed for the apparitions, is contrary to the Bible. The Bible is our standard. without it we have no sure guide to the treuth about these thinhgs, and the apparitions contradict it at every turn. All this is spelled out in the film "Messages from Heaven."

It woujld bew amusing except for the fact that it shows the depth of the delusion under which hundreds of millions of Catholics are held and deprived of the salvation of Christ, that inj the discussion of the Virgin of Guadalupe the narrators like to take potchots at the Protestant Reformation. In this one Luther is accused of leding people away from the true faith, while the miracles of Guadalupe worked to bring millions into the "true Church."

Luther, of course, along with Calvin and the other Refomers, discovered that the Rpoman Church, and particularly the papacy, had violated the Biblical revelation, and that the papacy was in fact the Antichrist, which they proved from scripture. . the Protestant Rreformation was the rediscovery of scriptural truth after a thousand years of the apostasy of the Roman usurper or Harlot Church. The most important recovery of the Reformation was the biblical truth that we are saved by God alone and our own deeds cannot save us, while the Roman church continues to teach salvation by deeds or works, sending hundreds of millions of their followers to Hell as a consequence.

The elevation of the false Mary is such a dojinating influence in the Catholic Church today it is hard to avoid the impression that Jesus Christ means nothing to them. The supernatural signs and wonders that attend the Marian apparitions of course have a powerful effect on the naïve Catholics who revere them.

Anyway, heres a video about the supposed miracles of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe who is pparently adored by millions of Mexican Catholics::

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