Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What's the Real Cause of the Rise of Vvariants, and the Continuing and Increasing COVID Cases and Deaths?

Just heard on radio news. Although the programming is conservtive, the news comes from the "mainstream" liars. I haven't figured out how that happens but it's only a couple minutes of lies and I suppose it's good to know what half the country is believing.

What I just heard is that COVID cases among children, actually Delta variate cases I think they said, are up by 37% SINCE LAST WEEK. I don't know about you but that hit me as rather suspect. But then I'm so cynical these days you should probably have some caution about my eactions. And what was m6y reaction? Golly Gosh, didn't they just do a blitz campaign to get children vaccinated? Golly Gosh, would you be surprised to discover that this increase in cases is in children who were vaccinated? I woujldn't, but then again I'm so cynical take it with a spponful of salt....

They've been manipulating the COVID statistics from the betginning so when they say there are all these cases of UNJvaccinated people sick with COVID, I simply do not believe them. And sometimes when people have checked with the hospitals supposedly overrun with them they find out that it’s not true so there’s good reason not to believe them. I personally know of qhole groups of vaccinated people who have come down with COVID, and in one group one of them died. I mentioned this somewhere in an earlier blog post. A month or so ago by now. It's the vaccinated who are getting sic, in some cases ONLY the vaccinated..

This new variant dubbed Omicron occurred originally in vaccinated people. In fact there is reason to believe that the shots themsevles are the cause of the development of these new variants. The phenomenon of "shdding" from vaccinated people is real, that is, the vaccinated give off the virus to others around them. They are trying to blame continuing or increasing cases of COVID or its variants ON THE UNVACCINATED BUT THE REAQL SOURCE IS THE VACCINATED. There is no “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” it should be called the PANDEMIC OF THE VACCINATED.

There was no reason whatever to vaccinate children since if they get COVID they get very mild cases of it and develop antibodies. But they hit hard with a campaign to get them vaccinated, Didn’t we all hear this swet little ad about how wonderful it is that now our precious future citizens with their wonderful talents that will benevfit society can now get vaccinated? They were giving us the "good news" that children are now "eligivle" for this experience that will ensure them a bright future, or the one about how this vaccine is now "available" for them. Oh such good news. Such good news that a substance that is known to kill a certain number of its recipients and causes pain and sufferig to many others, is now “available” for your children. Oh happy day.

May bought the line. So the campaign apparently succeeded and now great numbers of children are oh so happily vaccinated against COVID by a substance that doesn't protect against COVIDE except in perhaps a very mild way, doesn't prevent transmitting it to others and may be detrimental to the health of the children as they grow up, and so on and so forth. Oh happy day.

So golly gosh, all of a sudden IN ONE WEEK cases of COVID in children have increased by 37%. No connection of course.

And that is simpl;y presented as a natural course of the virus, to be expected despite all their horrific policies to shut us up and lock us down to prevent it. Be afraid, be very afraid. That’s what they want us to feel. The more we fear the more we fall for their lies. But you won’t hear about this beause it’s just “misinformation” that gets people kicked off social media. If you want to know the truth you have to go looking for it..

All this takes me to my usual topic. That is, THERE IS NO REASON WHATEVER FOR ANYONE TO DIE OF COVID. They’ve denied us access to the treatments that would have saved at least 85% of those who died. Bad studies were promoted, even a completely fraudulent one, the propaganda is held by most medical professions these days because they are too busy to spend the time to check it out and don’t have the motivation to anyway, plus of course they are under threat of losing their jobs if they find out they’re being lied to. HCQ with zinc could have cured most, so could Ivermectin, and now we have Monoclonal antibodies but it isn’t automaticallty given to people sick with COVID. The virus could have been done away with a year ago.

I don’t think this could be motivated merely by greed though that is the most popular explanation. I could be wrong, but such a concerted effort to manipulate us suggests something much bigger and much more sinister.

I’ve been almost obsessively watching Holocaust survivor testimonies and documentaries about the Nazi era as if it might tell me what’s coming.

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