Sunday, December 19, 2021

Is the Mary of the Apparitions An Ancient Babyloniahn Goddess, the Original Queen of Heaven?

The more time I spend exploring the apparitiions of Mary the greater their influence appears to me. You can of course ignore these things or know just a little about them and brush them off as just another Roman Church weirdness, but even if you regard them as significant in the context of the last days into which we seeem to have entered some time ago, you can underestimate their importance. It took the recognition of the huge importance of the Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico to wake me up to the global significance of "Mary" although I've more or less kept tabs on the phenomena for decades now. "Her" influence is staggering. . The film "Messages from HeaveN" ought to be enough to get across the global reach of these phenomena but even that is too easily dismissed. You turn away and forget about it. But it's hitting me now how huge this is. The Marian apparitions alone set the stage for the last days. There couldn't be a greater spiritual deception yet to come. Is it "Mary" riding the first horse of the Apocalypse?

Perhaps the most interesting of the apparitions of "Mary" is the one called The Lady of All Nations. The most interesting thing about it is that it calls itself the "former" Mary, as if she is trying to shed that identity and become something she really is -- perhaps an ancient Babylonian goddess? The goddess called in the book of Jeremiah "The Queen of Heaven," a title the apparitions began to assume though I didn't catch which one used it first.

Jeremiah says God's people Israel have provoke Him to anger with their attentions to this Queen of Heaven goddess. VComkmentaries suppose her to be the ancient goddess Ishtar but she went by many different names in the nations of the ancient world.

Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. Jer 7:19 Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? Jer 7:20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched.

This Lady of All Nations, like many of the other apparitions, warns of callamities to come, recommending of course praying the rosary and other Roman Church superstitions, as if their adoration of her were not the major reason for such calamities, as Jeremiah makes clear.

Here's an article detailing the messages of this particular apparition, The Lady of All Nations:


Interesting that among the apparition's lies is a prophecy (this was given in j945) about the establishment of the state of Israel which occurred ihn 1948, with a warning about how Israel would supposedly mistreat the Palestinian people as they attain statehood. This bit of propaganda coming from a highly revered "Mary" is wrenchingly portentous, likely to be all too influential. mbr>
The visionary gets a vision of the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt, and hear the words: “Israel will rise again.” Indeed, in 1948, the new independent state of Israel is proclaimed. This prediction, however, continues with a warning about the manner in which the Jewish people obtain possession of the land by ignoring the rights of the Palestinian people: “And Yahweh is ashamed of His People.” Today, this has become recognizable.

Shall I review the bare bones of the history here? Maybe I have to:

There was never any Palestinian people. Ever. When the first Jewish settles came from Europe the land was a wilderness, attested to by Mark Twain who had visited there in the latter part of the 19th century. He was astonished at the desolation he encountered there. Scattered farms, nomads, a few Jews who had been there forever, no national identity whatever, or even any coherent settlmenets. the arriving Jews settled a barren land. They bought land where necessary, they stole nothihng from anyone. What later because the "Paelstiniqans" who never were Palestinians at all, were Arabs from the various surrounding nations who came to work for the Jews as they developed the land. When the state of Israel was finally established, Arab nations plotted an attack and warned the Arabs living yhere to flee so as to escape harm. They became the refugees who became the Palestinians who should have been helped by the Arab nations but never were. They became a tool for the persecution of Israel.

That is a digression in this context but I couldn't let "her" get away with it. Too often the Roman Church gets away with its work in this world, fomenting wars, even inspiring Hitler's Holocaust, being the main perpetrator of the pogroms against eh Jews, even the inciter of genocides such as Stalins and Pol Pot's and Rwanda, when you study the background of these things. So here'a the Roman "Mary" promoting one of the lies about Israel that is a constant lying attack on Israe. the role of the Jesuits in the current efforts to desroy America, all too successful I'd appear, never gets noticedThere are old books galore revealing these things but who reads old books? Richard Bennett, Ronald Cooke, Christ Pinto and others talke about it but what is their reach in this world where a false "Mary" can command the attention of millions upon millions Put it this way, the Antichrist has already turned the world upside down in preparation for the Grand Finale..


Here's the film :Messages from Heaven" again. The apparitions' identity as the Queen of Heaven is discussed starting about 1:08:00

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