Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Pre-Trib Questions Again. Sorry, Can't Help It.

Yes I know my questions about the end times can be offensive to Pre-Tribbers. Can't help it. Can't help having the questions.

For istance, why are they so certain the "blessed hope" of the "appearing of the Lord Jesus" refers to the Pre-Trib Rapture? Isn't it true that Jesus won't appear to the world at that time but will appear at the Second Comintg? Doesn't the word "appearing" make it NOT refer to the Rapture? We certainly all believe that Jesus' coming back, either for the Rapture or at the very end, either one, is indeed our blessed hope, but the way that concept is so adamantly claimed for the Pre-Trib Rapture is not at all convincing.

And then there is the statement "This is the first resurrection" which occurs very late in the Book of revelation, long after the Rapture which isw supposed to have preceded all the events of the Tribulation period, and yet wouldnj't the Rapture be the first resurrection? The timing raises a question about what exactly is in cluded in the first resurrection.

And as I've mdentioned before, who the martyrs under the altar in Revelation six are is still a question. Why would the martyrs among the Raptured be a separate group from these later martyrs who are wayting for yet more martyrs to join them. Why if martyrs are singled out for a special status are those from our time, those from the Inquisition, those around the world right now, why are they separated?

I can't answer thesae questions. I want the Pre-Trib Rapture to be true. I'm ready to go, the sooner the better. But nobody answers these questions, all they do is reiterate the Pre-Trib scenario.


Forgot one: 1 Corinthians 15 says the Rapture will occur "at the last trump" and yet nobody seems to talk abou the trupet at all. What do they think it meansw? If it's the last odf the seven trumpets in Revelation that puts it considerably after the Pre-Trib seenario. So we need to know what it means.

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