Friday, October 29, 2021

Too Many People LIKE Government Control, That's What Makes Saving Freedom So Difficult These Days

It's been nice finding out so many attractive things about Mexico since I never knew much about the country, and this couple from Saskatoon in Canada are good guides for that purpose. They chose Mexico to move to out of quite a few other possibilities, did research on each that made up their minds for Mexico. Their first concern was climate, to avoid cold and snow like that where they came from, and extreme heat and humidity. That was an important reason they chose a place in a mountainous area.

But as they've been there for a while they are finding they're happiest with the cultural elements of Mexico, specifically the lack of overregulation which is certainly a problem in the US and Canada. As I've listened to them I've realized how much I also dislike this situation in America, how much I've disliked the mentality that sues a company for coffee that is too hot, that rewquires expensive licensing for anyone who just wants to sell something. In Mexico this couple bought tamales from a woman who made them in her kitchen and sold them on the street in front of her home. Try that here.

I even started thinking how this overregulation is part of the whole problem that is making people want to move. It can perhaps be thought of as the first stage of Communism, which is all about controlling people. So it isn't as if the current government overreach is anything new, it just got intolerable after being tolerated for decades. Of course it also has to be acknowledged that it's not quite the same thing since this is all based on lies.

The overregulation is impsed, it actually contradicts the American concept of freedom but it's managed to grow into a great choking weed by small increments that can sound reasonable in their limited context. Pushing back this current stranglehold by government is really a bigger task than it may first appear. There are decades of destruction of the American idea that make the current threat to freedom from the global level seem reasonable to at least half the country as long as they aren't exposed to the real meaning of it, which the global powers have managed to suppress only too efectively.
Ameica is certainly worth saving, but I mean the original concept of America that has been buried in so many decades of alien influences making saving it a bigger task than you might at first think.

The forces at work today are global and immensely powerful. Countries that so far have escaped their influence may not be able to for much longer. No way to know for sure, but if we are in the last days when we know the entire world is going to come under the control of the Antichrist any attempt at escape is going to be short-lived.

Anyway, this video by the Canadian couple is interesting as it shows a person who is not happy in Mexico for all the same reasons they are happy:

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