Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Escaping the West as It Is Going Under

Besides the video below I've now watched quite a few of this couple's videos aimed at people wanting to move out of their increasingly restrictive and punishing countries to someplace like Mexico. They do a good job of showing how attractive Mexico is in many ways. I love the Spanish Colonial architecture and that is the style of most (?) living places. Wroght iron gates and decorative bars over some windows, arched door and window frames, high ceilings, borders of pretty Mexican tiles even in the cheapest little apartment. Sometimes a courtyard, a papaya tree growing in the one where they live.

Then there's the wonderful looking produce at their local mercado, most of it for pennies.

It might be hard for a westerner to adjust to their laid-back idea of time, showing up as much as days late for an agreed upon maintenance appointment being typical, and that seems to go with a general disregard for rules of all sorts. I've read enough by now to think I'd like their lack of government nanny busybodyness. that also seems to be part of the same mentality. You might fall out of a twelfth story window because they don't protect you from everthing there the way we do here, you mighrt fall out of the back of a pickup truck because that's allowed there te way it used to be here, you might fall into an open manhole because they don't put up Caution signs, nobody is going to be suing MacDonald's for coffee they spilled on their lap. Some of it is uUnnerving at first but the more I've heard about such things the more I like the general idea. There's a freedom in all that that we've lost. There's probably a happy medium to be sought butfor now I'm enjoying the picture I'm getting of their way of doing things\

We get a lot of negative ideas about Mexico, all the crime, the cartels, the extreme poverty, that it's kind of a shock to see how much beauty and thriving life there is in a city like Mexico City. A beautiful huge park, gigantic marketplaces teeming with people. If I were thirty or forty years younger I'd now want to spend some time in Mexico. It's a very attractive place. Yes it wounds like you have to learn how to avoid the dangerous elements but you have to learn to do that here too.

Funny to think they have so much less government interference in their lives than our Constitutional Reputlic which is supposed to have been founded on that ideal. Again there's probably a happy medium to be sought, there are alwaysw downsides, but I can see why people are choosing to move there, feeling hounded and even enslaved in our supposedly free nations of the west.
====== ========================================= UPDATE later on Oct 28

Here's where they first spell it out that their REAL reason for being in Mexico is to escape the insane restrictions on people in the western countries. As I mention below I'd rather people didn't keep implying that the restrictions on freedom have anything to do with any real threat from COVID that is out of control as the governmental agencies keep insisting. There are plenty of ways to stop this disease in its tracks that they are suppressing. That is a crime in more than one way, and it's also a totally unjustifiable infringmenet on our basic rights, which rational measures to control a threat for which there are no real cures would not be. These are a couple of canadians. It's all come down harder and faster there and in Australia than so far in the US, but it certainly looks like it's coming here too.

Episode 67<.//a>


8 I guess you could ask why aren't they staying and fighting rather than escaping. Fair enough question but they've chosen to escape. Once your own family has escaped it makes you feel so alone you want to join them, that's another impetus. I have a feeling I won't be up to joining them anyway so I'll just have to be here and they there.

Anyway, it appears that there are quite a few westerners escaping to Mexico. It does seem like an unlikely choice if you're looking for freedom, but the fact that they don't have the resources to track every individual, as western countries do, may be the reason, or part of it.

I have to admit I don't really get the freedom emphasis. Or put it this way, I get it now that it has become an issue but in the terms it is usually presented I don't get it. That is, if they were telling the truth about the dangers of this virus it would make sense to do even some rather drastic things to keep it from spreading and killing people. But they aren't telling the truth. There is no public health problem as they keep saying there is. And to a large extent what problem there is has been manufactorued and could be easily done away with if they weren't withholding the simple measures that woult completely wipe out the virus.

Such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. they let the death toll keep mounting as if we didn't have these easily available cures. That's what makes the mandates a matter of personal freedom. the lies.

Think I'll post here a recent talk by Harvey Risch, head of the Yale School of Pulbic Health, who has been arguing for hydroxychloroquine for a year and a half now.

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