Saturday, October 30, 2021

Escape From Tyranny to Freedom

There's a growing exodus of people from western countries to places like Mexico to escape from tge increasing encroachments on personal freedom in those parts of the world. Since I've wanted to know a lot more about Mexico because I now have family who have escaped there, I keep listening to the videos of this couple the Lechmans who went there less than a year ago but are full of information about the processes involved and the experiences of being there. It's been a source of reassurance for me as I'd heard so many horror stories about Americans encountering dangerous situations in Mexico and little else. I've probably watched some thirty or forty of their videos by now. tHERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE DOING VIDEOS OF a similar nature, quite a few as a matter of fact, but this couple have the particular focus I've particularly needed to hear.

This one focuses on the fear of what's happening in the world as the reaosn for the exodus. they also applaud those who choose to stay and fight it. ""

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