Thursday, October 14, 2021

Taking Down the Propaganda Against Ivermectin: Rogan vs. Gupta, BBC's Zero Evidence, Its Use in India Brings Down their COVID Death Rate

__ It's become popular on the Left these days to characterize Ivermectin as "horse dewormer," in their neverending effort to keep people away from it, for what reason we still can't say for sure. But here's a clip that includes Joe Rogan calling out Dr. Sanjay Gupta for not condemning CNN's misreprentation of Rogsn's use of Ivermectin by that same term, although Rogan was taking a prescription for him as a human being. It's always nice to see propaganda confronted, but unfortunately half the country isn't going to see the confrtonation and will just go on believing the lies of CNN and the other leftist outlets. Anyway here's the clip:

Rogan Takes Down Sanjay Gupta


ADDED BY EDIT A COUPLE HOURS LATER: Got off the computer and turned on the radio to find Dan Bongino talking about this very incident between Rogan and Gupta. He went on to mention that after agreeing with Rogan that CNN shouldn't have said he was talking horse dewormer, later on CNN he said that Rogan was wrong,m that Ivermectin IS horse dewormer, a if that exconerated CNN's use of the term

But of course it doesn't. Ivermectin has many uses and its veterinary use was not its original use. Its discoverers got a Nobel prize for it, and not for its use as a horse dewormer. It wiped out the parasite that made the men in parts of Africa blind by the age of forty. That is, it's FIRST use was for human beings, not animals.

I started hearing about people using the veterinary form of it a few weeks or months ago, and the reasons for that was the unconscionable restriction of its availability for human use by this same concerted propaganda against it. Because it was, and still is, so difficult to get, people were buying the veterinary paste version of it which was readily available, and using it according to the guidelines based on body weight that are put out by various medical sources. This is of course based on the assuption that it's exactly the same chemical, and all I know about that is that the people who use it say so.

As I reported a few posts ago, there are now stories of Ivermectin overdose cases overloading hospital services --Rachel Maddow seems to have been the one to spread this claim -- at least one of them in Oklahoma later denying it in a letter to the press. My own guess is that a case of one overdose was magnified into many and disseminated through local newspapters all owned by one company, making it seem like a sudden vast upsurge in Ivermectin overdoses in the communities served by those particular newspapers (and as far as I know ONLY those which is suspcious in itself). I hope someone does an expose on this. In any case people are using the veterinary form of Ivermectin because the Powers That Be have made the people kind hard to get, and most of them without negative effects.

And while I'm at it I'll just add a note on the validity of its use against COVID. In the interview of Dr. Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein by Joe Rogan that I'[ve mentioned a few times now (it's on Spotify, Episoe 1671) Kory said its antiviral properties were original discovered in the labl and when tried with patients proved to be even more effective than expected from such a lab experiment. Bret Weinstein in that same interview gave the opinion, which he said was eventually confirmed by Dr. Robert Malone who had at first disagreed with him, that Ivermectin if used properly could drive COVID to extinction. Zev Zelenko, who was the first to bring the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine to public attention, believes that either of these "repurposed" drugs that have antiviral properties could have saved 85% of those who have died of COVID. There are many others who have used both HCQ and Ivermectin with huge success and saved thousands upon thousands of their own patients. /EDIT
Here are a couple of discussions of the COVID sitaution by Dr. John Campbell. I don't know anything about him excpet that I run across him at You tube from time to time and he has an appealingly objective way of dealing with information. He's in favor of the vaccines and I haven't found a video of him discussing them yet but I'll post it if I do.

Meanwhile these two are interesting I think. In the first he presents information about how India brought down their death rate from COVID. They distributed home care kits to people who tested positive, which included among other aids vitamins C and D, Ivermectin, Doxyclycline and Zinc.

How India Reducedd Their COVID Death Rate

The second video is about the BBC's debunking of Ivermectin, and Campbell's analysis of the studies they based it on, which amounts to their having no evidence whatever to base it on.

BBC Article Debunking Ivermectin

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