Saturday, October 16, 2021

Rome and the Vaccines

Chris Pinto is among the very few Christians these days who are up on the role of the Vatican and especially the Jesuits in wrecking America and promoting the globalist agenda. I've quoted John Adams a number of times in my posts about how of all people they deserve Hell. Today there is also Ronald Cooke and he has sermons at Sermon Audio though I've only heard one of them so far. Richard Bennett who died a couple years ago has plenty of information at his website on Rome in general and the Jesuits. The nefarious work of the Jesuits used to be pretty well known among Christians but over the last century they've acquired a positive public image and are able to work without being called out on it.

Pinto's radio show rambles around quite a bit but it's worth hearing to the end: We need to know that the Vatican, the Jesuits inj particular, are pushing worldwide vaccination on us.

Noise of Thunder Radio, Jesuits and the Vaccines


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