Sunday, October 10, 2021

Effectiveness and Suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin: Sensationalism or Simple fact?

I know some of the information about COVID and especially the alternative treatments as versus the vaccines, can sound fairly sensationalistic, but the thing is they are easily shown to be based on fact.

UPDATE Oct 10. For instance, The article I posted below about the witholding of lifesaving treatments from COVID patients in an Alberta hospital sounds pretty sensationalistic, except that it's highly believable in the light of the known unavailablility of such treatments in the US as well. I've just added a long excerpt from that article to that post by the way.

================================= It certainly sounds sensationalistic when I quote Zev Zelenko's estimate that 85% of those who have died of COVID -- we're talking over five h7undred thousand at this point -- could have been saved if the antiviral therapeutics, especially Hydroxychloroquine in theearly months, had not been bannded, that's based on impeccable reasoning from his own experience and that of others who cured thousands of COVID patients with it. Ivermectin, which came to prominence in the Fall of 2020, is at least as effective as HCQ in both preventing and curing COVID and it too is now being treated to the disinformation blitz that makes it unavailable for use. this is sensationalistic beyond the numbers because of the banning which raises questions about the motives of those opposing the use of these drugs. While in the early phase there was enough confusion to make this understandable, after more than a year has gone by and the first phase errors have been publically corrected, it's not so understandable any more. I've probably covered all this sufficiently over a number of posts but it keeps coming up so maybe another I can try to condense a lot of it in one more. Here agaihn is the link to the Joe Rogan discussionj with professor Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory that is mostly about Ivermectin. You Tube banned this talk so you have to go to Spotify to find it, and you'll have to register there, but it's pretty easy. I don't use Facebook at all but I did register there so my Facebook registration is enough to log me into Spotify. Joe Rogan Podcast #1671:

The most consistent focus on Ivermectin begins about 42:00 and runs for a half hour at least. Dr. Kory has earlier said it was first found to have antiviral properties from laboratory stucies but when used with pateints it was consistently effective at curing COVID. In the segment I mentioned he expresses amazement at just how effective this drug has been found to be in trials with thousands of patients, the kind of amazement that could sound like hyperbole or sensationalism but is based on observed facts.

This is a well reasoned scientific discussion of Ivermectin, nothing at all sensationalistic about it.

The warnings against the vaccines could also be considered to be sensationalistic and since so far the majority have not had any observed ill effects it's too early to knohw if the fears are warranted of their possible future ill effects. One thing is known for certain, however, which is that threre has been an unprecedented hihh number of deaths and injuries reported by the authorized health organizations caused by the vaccines, a number which is likely much lower than the reality.

The vaccines were given Emergency Use Authorizatoin because they had not been tested to anywhere near the usual standards required of any drug released to the p8ublic. Their high rate of death and injury reflects the dangerous of these experimental drugs. But beyond that, their emergency use status was unwarranted because it is only to be granted when other treatments are not available, but both HCQ and Ivermectin were available and they are not the only "repurposed" antiviral treatments.

g Is it sensationalistic to suggest that there is something sinister about the withholding of knjown effective treatments while the death count mounts every day? I just posted an article about how such treatments areaggressively withheld from COVID patients in some hospitals, and in that article even vitamins and antibiotics were taken away. Should we assume that report was false? But we know that both HCQ and Ivermectin are banned from use in hosptials and even by doctors in their own practice. My own Provider said she couldn't prescribe Ivermectin. It's just about impossible to get it. It's just about impossible to find a medical professional who will prescribe it, or a pharmany that would fill the prescription.

The facts sure sound sensationalistic, but they really are facts. There's no avoiding the conclusion that the influences in all this are not medical in the slightest but purely political. to what end is not completely clear yet but we can certainly make some reaosnable guesses that it doesn't bode well for the future of our supposedly Constitutional republic or for the world in general. Vaccine mandages based on a virus that 99.97% survive without treatment? A "pandemic of the unvaccinated"" Even quarnatine camps? One authoritzed for construction by the governor of the state of Tennessee, ads in newspapers for workers for such camps in the state of Washington? When it's the vaccinated and not the unvaccinated who are getting COVID in the highest numbers, and if HCQ and Ivermectin were readily available NOBODY would be getting it. Austraolia is already under strict mandates against normal life and their leaders have even called COVID The New World Order.

So welcome to the New World Order. It aint gonna be quite the heaven on earth some say. At last not for a lot of us, and in the end not for anybody.

Oh sorry, guess I'm being sensationalistic.

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