Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Pandemic One of the Tools for Destroying the Free World.

There is now a great kerfuffle on the internet about Bret Weinstein's wariness toward the vaccines and endorsement of Ivermectin as a preventative of COVID.

This podcast is a good recent overview of the arguments in favor of Ivermectin as a preventative as wel as treatment for COVID 19 and its variants: Bret Weinstein with medical Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik of FLCCC (Front Line COVI19 Critical Care)


Here is the earlier Joe Rogan podcast, with Bret and Dr. Pierre Kory on Ivermectin. YouTube removed it so it went over to Spotify where you have to register to watch. this may be the main video that sparked the kerfuffle:


Here's the beginnng of the kerfuffle: Sam Harris on the vaccines and related issues, talking with Dr. Eric Topol

This discussion was to me sickening and frightening, so disheartening it's hard to describe the hopelessness it engendered. I have to accept that Hrris is sincere, he sounds sincere, but that just makes the fact that he is doing nothing but regurgitating the current propaganda and completely misreprenting the point of view of his opponents abysmally discouraging. I might make some comments, not sure yet since Bret has his own response to him:

Bret and Heather responded to Harris' podcast in their Dark Horse Podcast #89L That discussion starts about 11:36:

Bret's main response was that Harris' arguments were strawmanning what he and Heather had said, which is true but my point would be that he's strawmanning all those who reject the vaccines and favor Ivermectin as well as a number of other treatments.

I'm just going to give a brief sketch of some of my own responses:

There are some who think COVID is overblown, and actually the evidence on which they base that is really quite good despite the way Harris and Topol mischaracterize it, but I doubt that's the majority of those who don't want to be vaccinated. I'm in at least two vulnerable groups and I don't want the vaccine. I feel I'm amply protected by the supplements I've been able to acquire, and I also strongly suspect I had the virus anyway, a very mild case which would probably be explained by the fact that I was taking those supplements at the time. Not only do I think I'm amply protecte but I believe that I'm contributing to the extinction of the virus, far from being the cause of anybody else's infection as Harris and Topol accuse the unvaccinated of being. This is part of what's frightening about their view because if we are held responsible for others' sickness wse become targets of government tyranny.

The real threat to public health is the suppression of the antivirals such as Ivermectin and HCQ which have a huge record of keeping people out of the hosptial as well as preventing the illness altogether. Of course they misrepresent the evidence for this in the usual ways. I've posted many discussions that bring out that evidence. They also attack the VAERS site where reports of deaths and injuries from the vaccines are recorded. the usual utterly ridiculous criticisms All the fault of "anti-vaxers" too which is a cateogry that hardly applies to the people who reject the MRNA vaccines BASED ON THE SPEICIFC EVIDENCE and not on any prior belief.

The Delta variant is hyped by them just as it is on the fake news as thiw really scary :virulent" development that the unvaccinated are now accused of sujecting the vaccinated to. Although they use the correct description, that the variant is more easily trasmitted so that we're getting a great number of cases, the fact that i does not cause as serious illness as the COVID 19 is not mentioned so its higher transmissiability is allowed to imply that people get sicker as the death rate is higher. All the reportes refer to percentages of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in very nigh numbers, which obscured the fact that you can have "double" the cases or deaths and be only referring to half a dozen actual cases. When some people have called hospitals reported on the news to be overrun with DEelta patients they have been told that that's not true, they have plenty of empty beds. We know we are being lied to but this kind of lie is particularly scary because it's making a targ3et of unvaccinated people. Just as CRT is making a target of white people. the powers that be that are behind this are truly ,br>
diabolical and it's sad and frightening to think that they are getting away with it. It's also hard to understand how so many could have been so effectively deluded by lies.

The aversion to the vaccines is not based on irrational sources, it's based on known facts properly understood by medical people with impeccable credentials . The rate of deaths and injuries as a reslt of the vaccines is far beyond that of any other drug that was not immediately pulled from public use. Yes the vast majority of people receiving them are apparently doing fine but given the deaths and some very serious injuries (which by the way look like they may be mitigated by somje of the same treatments recommended for preventing the virus in the first place), and the reasonable concern that nobody knows if they may have future serious effects, there is nothing at all irrational about the educated refusal to take the vaccine.

That'says a few, not all, of the objections that could be made to Harris and Topol. I just want to add that Bret says he's ben unable to explain the suppression of information about these things except as the commitment to the profits to be made from vaccines as well as new treatments while the old ones like HCQ and Ivermectin don't mak4e anybody any money. This is probably part of it but the suppression of information that makes the difference between life and death is nevertheless a diabolical way of protecting profits.

He wonders at the iron-fisted effectiveness of the suppressive measures, and to that I have to say it suggests something beyond even the profitmaking strategies of multibillionaires. It suggests the globalist agenda of the Great Reset, which is using COVID as well as CRT and inflation and open oborders that overwhelm the economy and bring in diseases, plus other destrutive political actions to destroy their opposition, which America in particular has represented as the most succssful free society. No more are we that apparently. They've pretty much accomplished their aim. this is no longer America Klaus Schwab of the WEF whose agenda is the Great Reset, recently said that we're never going back to normal. Wish he were wrong but suspect he's right, because they obviously have the power to enforce it. Not that we shold give up without a fight.

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