Sunday, July 25, 2021

Europeans Who Experienced Communism Wary of Leftist Activity in the US

This interview was done before the election last Fall so they are probably even more alarmed now. John O'Sullivan, President of the Danube Society in Budapest, interviews Marion Smith, at that time President of Victims of Communism Foundation Memorial Society, now founding President of the Common Sense Society.

I heard Marion Smith on the Lars Larsen* talk show recently, in which he talked very knowledgeably about the protests in Cuba, which he sees as the Cuban people taking advantage of a current weakness in the government to fight for freedom from Communism. They are also taking a great risk and are being subjected to horrendous mistreatment by the govenrnment. We've been getting propaganda teling us that it's about wanting vaccinations!!!! As Larson pointed out, "Libertad" does not mean "vaccination" in Spanish.

So I looked up Marion Smith and found this interview by the Danube Society. The interviewer framed the conversation with the observation that there has been a recent upsurge in the popularity of Marxism and Communism in America, which is alarming considering the genocidal history of all Communist regimes.

Smith is also involved with the National Civic Art Society which is about the effect of styles of architecture on the cultural mindset. Interesting, I think. that the motto of the Common Sense Society is Liberty, Prosperity and Beauty. The word "beauty" in that list was startling but I was happy to see it. I gather it relates particularly to architecture, but when I first read it I was reminded of my own recent preoccupation with art and how I despise modernism for its ugliness as Anti-Art, and want art to be beautiful above all else. For the sake of the human soul, the stability of society and culture, etc. etc. etc.

so many ways the culture has been undermined over the last century, politically, morally, culturally, and the degeneration of art is one that is usually overlooked. .

But I digress. The interview is about Communism.

* Not sure now if it was Lars Larson. Might have been Jim Bohannon. Even Sebastian Gorka. I lose track.

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