Monday, August 9, 2021

Sam Harris Replies, and the beat goesw on.

Sam Harris has responded to Bret's response to his pocast with Eric Topol, the subject of my previous post, and if anything his response is even more sickening, frightening and disheartening than his first podcast. He accuses Bret and Heather of paranoia, doesn't see anything costructive to come from a personal discussion between them, and hasn't altered his wrongheaded beliefs one iota.

It would be one thing if this were only a clash of opinions but the problem these days is that his erroneous views are fuel for political power against his opponents and that doesn't seem to bother him. The unvaccinated are morally at fault according to him and that makes us targets of all kinds of abuse by government and other social powers. Once you've picked your enemy and labelled them with denigrating epithets long enough, concentration camps, mass slughter of the denigated, gas chambers and the like are easily justified even in high moral language.


Anyone who thinks Trump was a threat to American democracy rather than the salvation of the American republic, is not to be trusted. But again, he's on the side that has the power, and that's unfortunately what counts in this current political climate.

Here and there we have a ray of hope that it won't porevail, or at least that there is more resistance to it than we might guess from the leftist rhetoric which is what most people are hearing with little opposition. In the latest Dark Horse Podcast, #91, Heather describes her encounter with some liberal women who see through the lies and the setting up of the unvaccinated. That's heartening. but by now we're so used to talk that produces no effective action I can't put much confidence in it.

Harris understands nothing about the realities infolved. He doesn't see the lies, he denigrates the VAERS reports, he believes the manufactured statistics. He's one of the "useful idiots."

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