Saturday, July 24, 2021

Just a Little Opinion Piece

All political leaders and medical institutions, authorities and personnel who have authorized or contributed to the ban on, or refused to prescribe or administer the life-saving antivirals Hydroxychloroquine and Ivewmectin to COVID patients, and other helpful drugs as well, should be sued by the family members of all those who have died of COVID.

All political leaders, university professors and activists and rioters and school boards that promote the racist doctriness of Marxism and Critical Race Theory should be sued by all their victims, and tried for treason against the United States.

Most of the Democratic Party and Biden's administration should be tried for treason for most of their evil anti=Constitutional policies that will destroy the country if they get away with them.

Or the rest of us should write a new Declaration of Independence and secede from the Union.

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