Friday, July 2, 2021

American Liberty Versus Marxist Tyranny: Who's Winning?

I was still half asleep from my afternoon's long nap -- can't sleep at night much any more so the daytime gets wiped out as I sleep through most of it -- anyway I woke up in time to hear Mark Levin reading from his book that's due out on the 13th, "American Marxism." He read from various drafts of the Declaration of Independence and from various state constitutions, all of which used different language to say the same thing that ended up in the Declaration. It really helps to give a perspective when you hear the different ways of saying the same thing. He also read from Paine's "Common Sense." Knowing more about these thigns should improve our understanding of what the founding of America was really all about.

Then he read from some early American Marxists. Scary stuff. Aggressive intent to overthrow the American government, denigration of the framers, promotion of the utopian dream that has murdered hundreds of millions, and yet people are still attracted to this stuff. Right now the country is already undergoing the first phases of a Marxist revolution, pushed by the Democratic Party and not very well opposed by most on the conservative side either. We're a bunch of ignoramuses about all these things.

I've still got the words of a friend going around in my head from a few months ago, when I asked her opinion of the censorship of conservatives on the social media. Well I don't remember her exact words but the gist of her answer was that she doesn't think "misinformation" should be given a public platform. Something like that. About that same time she asked me if I'm a white supremacist which was a real punch in the stomach, knocked the bottom out of our friendship. I forgave her, I tried hard for the next few weeks to keep the friendship intact, but I couldn't overcome the effect of her remarks. The friendship had died and there was nothing I could do about it.

She was just echoing the leftist propaganda which has been pumped into liberal minds for years now. They don't even know it's Marxism and radically opposed to everything America was meant to be. Ideas have consequences and Marxism is the most pernicious ideology in force right now, bringing down everything good in this country. And they think they are doing a good thing apparently. When all the conservatives are gone they'll think utopia can now thrive? it will kill them too because they don't understand what it is, they have no idea what they are doing.

Marx's thinking was influenced by an important Jesuit in his time, a connection that is common but hardly ever noticed in the lives of Marxists. Chris Pinto is the one I'm aware of who has the most to say about this kind of connection. The Roman Church is behind the world class murderous doctrines of the last century, all the genoicdes, which I've pointed out here and there in my posts.* Mark Levin can trace the Marxist indoctrination behind them, but Pinto gets beneath that to the Jesuits. The average Catholic knows nothing about all this so they can keep up their false Christian facade, but the papacy is still waiting for its chance to bring back the Inquisition, which is what all the political genoides have been based on. it will certainly be the centerpiece of the seven-year Tribulation period that will follow the Rapture, or disappearance of the Church.

We know Who wins in the end but getting there is going to hurt those who have to go through it. <


* The Roman Catholic connection to the genocides. I put up a list of books on my Roman Catholicism blog, some of which have titles directly related to this claim. "Hitler's Pope" for instance. I've mentioned the role of a Catholic Bishop whose radio talks incited the Hutus to slaughter the Tutsis in Rwanda by calling the Tutsis "cockroaches" and generally using the same kind of propaganda against them that Hitler used against the Jews. Character assassination is the main Marxist modus operandi but obviously that includes all forms of fascism which could be shown to have the same ideological root. That's what they are doing to conservatives in America, calling us racists and white supremacists and xenophobes and so on and so forth, just because they don't like our politics and want us silenced so their politcs can control everybody. That's what they did to Donald Trump from the moment he declared his candidacy, and are still doing to him, not one iota of which he deserves.

Other clues to this connection include the use of the dunce cap in Mao's takeover of China, to humiliate dissenters. I didn't know it but found out that the dunce cap originated with the Inqauisition. Another connection was the use of a version of the iron maiden torture device that was used against dissenters in Ceaucescu's Romania. This was shown in the film about the imprisonment of Richard Wurmbrand I saw recently, Tortured for Christ, based on Wurmbrand's book. He was held in an underground prison for fourteen years for the crime of being a Christian. Anyway, the film pointed out the use of a wooden box about the size of a casket in which prisoners were forced to stand for hours trying to avoid being punctured by the hundreds of nails that line the inside of the box. The iron maiden was a torture tool of the Inquisition. That connection wasn't mentioned in the film, it's just something most of us know and one source of this information is the ex Catholic priest richard Bennett, whose website is still up as far as I know.

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