Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dealing with the Dangers of the Vaccines; and Dr. Zelenko Needs to Change His Diet to Cure His Cancer

Most of my sources on COVID, the vaccines, antivirals and so on, are now scattered all over the internet, some in pieces, and I'm not going to get them all together for some time. I can name the participants at least so others can track them down. Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Steve Kirsch, Dr. Richard Fleming, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. There are others.Most of these are warning about the vaccines and objecting to the suppression of information about their dangers and about the efficacy of treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin.

In this post I'm mainly reacting to a long interview of Dr. Zelenko by Dr. Mercola. The whole thing is interesting in my opinion, but probably the most imporant part is the advice for people who have had the vaccines, to protect against possible health problems as a result. That's discussed from roughly about 41 for the next fifteen or so minutes. The same protocols recommended for prevention of the virus itself and for early treatment of it are also effective for this purpose: HCQ or Ivermectin and if you can't get those then at least get zinc, quercetin, vitamin C and Vitamin D3.

Since I like to follow some of the health gurus online, although I can't say I'm good at taking their advice -- at least I pretty much know what their advice is -- I get a bit upset hearing that Dr. Zelenko has been suffering from cancer and has had a recent recurrence and all he does is the standard treatment of chemo and what4ever else is recommended. He's lost a lung to the cancer already. At least he continues to survive and is grateful to God, but oh how I wish HE paid attention to these health gurus because I am convinced that the right diet can cure cancer. A totally plant-based mostly raw diet.

At least a quart and a half of carrot juice every day, plus lots of raw fruits and veggies, tons of greens, plus nuts and seeds. There's a lot more but that's the basics and probably in most cases enough. (Check out "Chris Beat Cancer.")

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