Thursday, July 1, 2021

The COVID Gulag Again.

Saw my Primary Care person yesterday. She rather snapped at me about keeping my mask up since I'm not vaccinated (it's hard to breathe in that thing and I'd dropped it to my chin while there was nobody in the room but me). We went through the reasons I was there, she put through an order for lab work. She didn't push the vaccine on me exactly but she did say it 100% "prevents death." Huh? I'm not good at thinking fast in conversation --that's why I write -- or I might have pointed out that 6000 deaths due to the vaccines have been reported to the official NIH site by medical people, and that must be just a drop in the bucket of the real number. Not to mention the injuries from it which can be pretty debilitating, including convulsions.

But I did say I would like to be prescribed Ivermectin because I am convinced it both prevents COVID and treats it effectively and should be regarded as just as good as being vaccinated as far as protection of self and others goes. She said she's read the studies and it's not very effective. My answer to that should have been, Well we know it's safe and can't hurt because of decades of use on billions of people and I can point you to many doctors who have used it very successfully. I don't know about those studies but there were so many stupid studies of HCQ this must be the same sort of thing. Doctors who USE the drug KNOW it works and studies are often based on misusing it, prescribing it too late to help or in the wrong dosage, and so on.

I've now heard MANY doctors testifying to its effectiveness and the criminality of its suppression. And of course those testimonies have been censored by nonmedical politically motivated watchdogs who must have some sort of vested interest in vaccines and against effective treatments. Killing us off perhaps? Sometimes these testimonies get moved to less restrictive sites but I've been finding it hard to navigate those other sites. What I find is often just parts of a program, not the whole thing. I don't know why, seems odd if the site is supposed to be a freer source of information.

I'd like to get some Ivermectin and I do have some possible sources so maybe I will. But because of my eyes I do need help navigating application forms and that sort of thing. However, two things: what I take should be pretty effective anyway, the zinc-quercetin combo plus some immune-boosting vitamins, AND I think I may have had COVID. Yes, although I've been pretty totally isolated for a long time, seeing only my brother who does my shopping and takes out the garbage once a week, who has not been sick and is now vaccinated, I got a mild "cold" a few months ago, no idea how I coujld have but I did, very mild, just a runny nose basically, the usual week, but what makes me think it might have been COVID is that I absolutely could not taste the dill weed I put on a cucumber salad. I didn't make the connection at the time and I didn't notice if other foods didn't have much taste, only that one because dill weed is a pretty strong flavor and I couldn't taste it at all though I kept adding more and more of it. I thought maybe the cold interfered with tasting it which I guess can happen, but not to that extent. Was it old and dead or what? No, because I'd been using it for weeks and could taste it fine. Funny it didn't occur to me at the time that it could have been COVID. It was some time afterward that it occurred to me.

I forgot to mention it to my Primary Care lady. Alas.

There have been two or three discussions about ivermectin and the problem of censorship that I thought I'd eventually post here, that have disappeared. This stuff is scary. Do liberals care if the liberal social media censor us conservatives or the doctors who object to vaccines and believe HCQ and Ivermectin could have saved lives? If my Primary person is so heavily propagandzied I know most people out there are too. Sad state of affairds. The country is disintegrating before our eyes. Shouldn't even the liberals care or are they really into having a Communist revolution and destroying the Constitution and everything that made America great?

O happy happy.

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