Wednesday, May 19, 2021

UFOs and Other Popular Demonic Delusions

OK I've got to write about this. A report has come out or is coming out about government information that takes UFO phenomena seriously. Meaning considers it to be real, although nobody is clear about exactly what it is.

Here's a CNN report on it

On a radio talk show I heard earlier the general idea was that these objects, which have been photographed, are considered to be tecnnologically extremely advanced. They move at incredible speeds, they turn on a dime, they don't seem to have any known form of propulsion or acceleration and deceleration, they just suddenly zip a huge distance at a phyiscally impossible rate of speed, suddenly change direction without slowing down, and so on. This is a technology far beyond anything known today and if it belongs to an enemy of the US, say to China, it represents a great security risk.

It's a subject that provokes a lot of nervous giggling, even some by the reporter at CNN, but a lot more in the radio discussion I heard earlier. Well, it's a prime "woo" topic. You don't hear it discussed seriously very often -- unless of course you listen to Coast to Coast radio where everything paranormal and every kind of Woo is taken very seriously indeed Most of it creeps me out so much I can't listen. But I also think they are completely wrong about just about everything they say, at least what I've heard so far. Just as I think they are wrong about UFOs. And I don't mean wrong the way the usual debunkery finds it wrong.

That is, the evidence now is good enough to establish that whatever these phenomena are, they are quite real. They are actually visible objects that actually move as described. The people who have witnessed them are not hallucinating, they are really seeing what they say they are seeing.

But I don't think any of thisis about extraterrestrials or anything to do with national security in the usual sense, or anything to do with technology at all. What I think about it is maybe best introduced through the work of UFO expert Jacques vallee. Back in the nineties I read a book of his in which he lays out his theory about the phenomena.

From Wikipedia:

Interpretation of the UFO evidence
Vallée proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, partly associated with a form of non-human consciousness that manipulates space and time. The phenomenon has been active throughout human history, and seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures. In his opinion, the intelligence behind the phenomenon attempts social manipulation by using deception on the humans with whom they interact.
Vallée also proposes that a secondary aspect of the UFO phenomenon involves human manipulation by humans. Witnesses of UFO phenomena undergo a manipulative and staged spectacle, meant to alter their belief system, and eventually, influence human society by suggesting alien intervention from outer space. The ultimate motivation for this deception is probably a projected major change of human society, the breaking down of old belief systems and the implementation of new ones. Vallée states that the evidence, if carefully analyzed, suggests an underlying plan for the deception of mankind by means of unknown, highly advanced methods. Vallée states that it is highly unlikely that governments actually conceal alien evidence, as the popular myth suggests. Rather, it is much more likely that that is exactly what the manipulators want us to believe. Vallée feels the entire subject of UFOs is mystified by charlatans and science fiction. He advocates a stronger and more serious involvement of science in the UFO research and debate.[11] Only this can reveal the true nature of the UFO phenomenon

Vallee's analysis is quite remarkable it seems to me. All that reads like an amazingly accurate description of demonic activity and especially demonic motivation, although Vallee is not a Christian. Of course it appears that few take him seriously. Of course The delusions he believes are manipulated by the beings who produce these phenomena are the ones people believe. Truth hardly ever stands a chance in today's world anyway.

Understanding all this to be the product of demonic activity is of course from the Bible. What Vallee did was analyze the reports and describe demonic activity without believing in the biblical revelation, and perhaps he would reject the biblical interpretation. But deceiving humanity is certainly exactly what the demons/devils/fallen angels want to do. They teach demonic doctrines by many means, and the main theme of all their teachings is either denial of God or misinformation about God. You will certainly not hear the gospel from a demonic source, and often you will hear the gospel ridiculed or denied. Many books have been inspired by demons, all weaving otherworldly tales and purpoting to teach humanity how to live our lives, and teaching in particular that the biblical accounts are false. Gosh I wonder why they'd want to lie about something like that?

I know there are many but I probably won't be able to think of more than a few/ The Seth books are one I remember from the sixties. Also A Course in Miracles which Oprah Winfrey made popular some years ago; Urantia; and as I recall even Harry Potter was inspired by some otherworldly source according to its author.

But books and UFOs aren't the only ways demons interact with humanity to deceive us. Some rock stars have claimed satanic inspiration (Film source: "They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll"). Edgar Cayce, known as a healer in the thirties and forties as I recall, had a demonic helper, a "spirit guide" as they are called today. William Branham, a Christian Pentecostal preacher and "prophet" had an "angel" who followed him around. Oneness Pentecostalism, which was Branham's denomination, denies the Trinity, which of course the demons are happy to teach, anything to counter orthodox Christianity makes them happy. Although human fallenness is sufficient to invent doctrines that oppose biblical truth, there is no doubt some demonic influence in big movements like pentecostalism and the charismatic churches, especially wherever you see paranormal or supernatural phenomena on display, such as where people fall down when touched by a healer or other leader. Kathryn Kuhlman, Benny Hinn for instance. and I've mentioned a "prophet" I found at You tube whose prophecies are empty and her imagery is unbliblical.

Mohammed received the Koran from an angel he called "Gabriel," clearly a demon because the true Gabriel was a servant of the gospel which Islam denies. Mohammed's aunt even said he was demon-possessed. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, had an "angel" called "Moroni, and he taught that orthodox Christianity is false, the theme so dear to the hearts of the demons. It isn't necessarily demonic if it debunks Christianity since of course as I said fallenness is capable of that without any help, but when an "angel" is mentioned there's little doubt of the source.

Carl Jung had two "spirit guides" though I think he called them something else. So the fallen angels don't confine themselves to science fiction but teach pscyhology. Marx was a satanist and it should be obvious that his writings are designed to destroy western civilization. In fact the Marxistsy actually say so.

always, one way or another, directly or indirectly, demonic productions, whether false religions or pseudopsychologies or spiritual pretences, all deny the biblical account, alwys the biblial account, not other religions, just the biblical relition. they're kind of fixated on it. Kind of suggests maybe it's the truth and they are willing to put in prodigious work to discreit it? Teachings more or less related to the UFO phenomena discredit it by claiming human beings were created by alien beings and that sort of thing. The very idea of extraterrestrials, living creatures from other parts of the universe, is an implicit contradiction of the biblical message. Redeemed human beings are destined to replace the fallen angels, bringing God's righeousness where they bring corruption and lies. There's the motivation to deceive us and prevent people from being saved by the gospel of Christ.

It may be, as Watchman Nee says in his book Soul Power, that some people possess a distorted and partial remnant of mental powers originally possessed by Adam and Eve but lost at the Fall, which may account for some paranormal phenomena. But sinbce these powers would be broken at best and subject to manipulation by demons, it would be dangerous to exercise such powers. Cedrtainly untrustworthy in this fallen world. But most paranormal and supernatural phenomena must come from the fallen angels or demons. They have invented a multitude of explanations themselves for all these things that unfortunately persuade some people. Just listen to Coast to Coast radio show some time. It's all stuff manufactured by the demons to deceive humanity, just as Vallee concluded the UFO creatures are motivated to do.

The only truth in this fallen world is the revelation of God Himself, the Bible. Whatever tries to discredit it is either from fallen human nature or from the fallen angels.

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