Saturday, May 22, 2021

Brief Bleat About Confused Evolutionists: Gain of Function Has Nothing to Do with the Theory of Evolution

No, you do not "have to have an evolutionary perspective" to understand gain-of-function. Gain of function occurs in the present. It can occur naturally through the high mutation rate of viruses or it can be manufactured in the lab by gene editing. or inserting genetic material into a virus. As usual those who believe you need to think like an evolutionist to understqand this just don't understand anything at all about the debate.

Mutations go on all the time. They are usually deleterious to the host organism, occasionally they enhance its function, very rarely in most cases but occasionally. Evolutionists think this is a normal process. Creationists know it's a disease process, but either way it occurs in the present and there is nothing about it whatsoever that has anything to do with the Theory of Evolution. Even assuming mutations are normal, which I don't, but even qassuming it, all they produce is a variation in the organism at best, a variation in a particular function, a gain in that function in this case. They don't produce anything actually new, and most organisms have the genetic means for variation built in.

I'm sure I only have the most minimal understanding of these processes myself, but I think I get the gist of it right enough. Gain of function in a virus just means that a particular mutation, or a piece of DNA inserted into a virus can increase its viral properties, such as to make it more deadly. Normal everyday genetic process. NOT evolution in the sense of the ToE. But evolutoinists automatically insert their theory into the discussion without warrant and without considering any other possibility. Yes it's an assumption, nothing about the ToE is provable and there's plenty that disproves it to anyone who exercises the brainpower to grasp the point. All the porocesses they automatically impute to the ToE are normal everyday functions of organisms understood to have been Created as idependent Kinds. Mutationsw are disease processes due to the Fall, and if this weren't a fallen world nobody would be trying to enhance a virus anyway. Sheesh!

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