Monday, May 17, 2021

How We Lost America Part 2. The Abomination Which Is Our National Cathedral

Ealier this morning I decided to check out the website of the National Cathedral in Washington. I suppose I wanted to find out just how bad it is since I know it's Episcopalian, which is a denomination that has gone libersal, and has held ecumenical prayer meetings which are certqainly an offense to God. I've mentioned the National Cathedral from time to time as the place where George Bush held a prayer meeting for the nation after 9/11 which included a Roman Catholic priest and a Muslim Imam and I forget who else. I cringed at that at the time because prayers that are shared among false religions are not going to bring God's blessomgs on the nation but very likely bring God's curses down on us. The attack on the World Trade Center was God's judgment on the nation, at the very least it was a warning of worse njudgments to come. The appropriate response was indeed prayer, but prayer centered on repentance for the sins of the nation that had brought God's wrath on us. I don't remember what they prayed that day because I was so appalled at the fact that they would think God could bless prayers to other gods besides Himself.
Isaiah 42:8 I am [Jehovah, I AM that I AM]: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
This theme runs throughout the Bible. It is stated already in the Ten Commandments:
Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
going on from there to the commnand against making graven images and against bowing down and worshipping them.

In 1 Samuel 4:1-4 we get a dramatic picture of this when after the Philistines had captured the ark of the covenant from Israel they put it next to their god Dagon. The next day they found the statue of Dagon on its face before the ark and restored him to his place. The morning after that they found Dagon on the floor again, this time with his head and hands cut off by the threshold of the building.

Do they not know, these "Christians," that we wroship the same God who would not have Dagon beside Him? Do they not know that Islam does not worship the same God? Their God does not have the same attributes, has no Son, and has a different name; he is not the God of the Bible. Do they not know that the Roman Church has removed the commandment against worshiping graven images because they advocate worshipping graven images? They worship images of the "saints" and of "the virgin Mary" and many worshippers certainly do bow down to them, may even lie prostrate on the floor before them. At Medjugorje which was the scene of one of the apparitions of "Mary" people walked on their knees around a statue of Mary. At least two Popes dedicated themselves to the service of "Mary." This is having "other gods before Me."

God will not tolerate prayers from worshippers of the false gods alongside Himself, and you'd think anyone who calls himself a Christian and presumably knows the Bible as God's word would know this to be a huge offense to God.

Such ecumenical services on behalf of the nation can only bring judgments on the nation. Islam has only grown in prestige since the attack on the WTC, certainly a sign of God's judgment against us, and the growth of more and more evil anti-American politics must unfortunately be understood in the same light. We pray for the power to return to the original conception of America and overthrow the Marxist lies that have been destroying the nation, but is it happening? Don't the liars have the upper hand? Aren't we oddly paralyzed in our efforts to counter them?

The website of the National Cathedral exhibits a lot of New Agey mush about experiences and transformations,listening to one another and loving one another, some of it derived from the gothic beauty of the cathedral itself, hardly any of it derived from scripture, except for a verse or two here and there about love of course. They make much of feelings in themselves, "awe" and "reverence" for instance, utterly divorced from any object of the awe and reverence. Listening to one another is a good thing I suppose, but I'd be happier to hear about a dedication to listening to God. But God, and certainly Jesus, seems to be relegated to a sort of psychological state or at least subordinated to it. I wonder what they do with the passages about fear of God. Not that I wonder a whole lot.

They have ordained female ministers which is a violation of the biblical requirement for a Christian church, and one of them opened her sermon by asking "the circle of love" nt to open their hearts, and "the circle of healing" and the circle of something else, --oh, wisdom -- to bestow their virtues on the congregation, even to grant "new life in God." She didn't ask God himself for anything, nor Jesus, but these "circles" of this or that. What is the source of this utterly unbiblical nonsense? I didn't spend a lot of time there but there was no menttion whatever of the gospel of salvation through the death of Christ. The messages were not focused on God or the Bible but on feelings of a supposedly spiritual sort induced by the architecture of the building or on human relationships. A nave full of yoga practitioners was mentioned. Oh and somebody referenced gnosticism as his or her inspiration, a heresy of the eary church denounced particularly by the apostle John in the New Testament..

There seems to be no ground whatever for regarding this institution as Christian.

It's hard to know how much weight to give this "church" as a national symbol but too much I'm afraid. It stands as a symbol of the nation's religious underpinnings just by its location and its title and its occasional use in times of a national emergency such as 9/11.

Dare I suggest that the sins of the nation are at least encapsulated in this symbol? If Jesus regards it as a Christian church at all it's hard to imagine He could do anything but cleanse it with a whip as He did the temple in Jerusalem, casting out the blasphemers. In essence we've got a statue of Dagon standing in the place of God.

I AM suggesting that it's hopeless to think we can do much to bring America back to sanity and its political grounding in the liberty and justice on which it was originally conceived if we allow such a false image of Christianity to represent us. This is just one of many problems in the churches of course, even the best churches really, and a lot of cleansing is needed across the board. All that should make it only too clear why we have not had revival, and will not have revival until it is dealt with.

So much less is there any hope of saving America politically from what looks like its inevitable destruction by a Communist takeover fueled by lies and all kinds of evils.

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