Sunday, May 16, 2021

Studies of Ivermectin Used for Prevention of COVID-19

My favorite liberal couple who do the Dark Horse Podcast once a week discussed studies of Ivermectin this week, among other things. Sometimes what they discuss doesn't interest me, but this one does. I started watching them last year because they were talking about the rioting in downtown Portland, and they still do from time to time but not in this podcast. They sometimes drive me crazy being liberals and evolutionists but their liberalism is mostly of the classical sort and not the current perniciously Marxist sort, they are honest observers too, and while their allegiance to evolution causes me a lot of painful eyerolling there's usually enough of what I appreciate about them to balance that out. \

Anyway, from about 26:oo they are discussing studies of Ivermectin mostly as a prophylaxis or preventative against the virus rather than a treatment:

Although I still accept what Dr. Zelenko and many others (Drs. Harvey Risch, Simone Gold, Daniel Wohlgelernter among others) have said about the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine for treating the virus in the early days of infection, for some time I've been convinced that Ivermectin is even better at both prevention and treatment than HCQ.

HCQ is to be taken with zinc because it works as an ionophore to get zinc into the cells where it is the zinc that does the antiviral work by interfering with replication; whereas Ivermectin works in some other way that's not clear to me yet, something to do with interfering with the spike protein the vurus manufactures. (That is discussed on this podcast but I'm adding the information about HCQ from other sources I've mentioned before.) Both are used with an antibiotic, HCQ usually with Azithromycin, which Dr. Zelenko explained as a treatment for the lung infection that is a part of infection with COVID-19. Maybe that's the same reason the antibiotic Doxycycline is used with Ivermectin but I don't see why it would be used before a person actually has the virus. Anyway there's more to understand about all this, but Ivermectin looks like the best way to go for anyone who has not yet had the virus, both as preventative and as treatment in the early days of infection if it occurs.

Bret and Heather, the podcast couple, also discuss the political issues involved in this which are depressing in the extreme. That is, ivermectin was known to be both safe and effective for COVID long before the vaccines came out, and that being the case there was no justification whatever for the emergency use authorization for the vaccines since Ivermectin effectively prevents and treats the virus. This has bothered me for months already in relation to HCQ which was banned last year although it was known -- KNOWN -- to cure the virus if used in the first week of infection with COVID. This was said over and over and over by doctor after doctor after doctor, starting with Zelenko and including at least the other three I mention above but manyh more than that. As Bret and Heather point out, withholidng an effective drug is criminal. As many others have been saying for a year now, it's a crime against humanityh. This applies to the banning of HCQ as well as to Ivermectin which is also discouraged. As the number of COVID deaths rose while HCQ was banned I just felt sick and helpless. This ban was killing people. Dr. Zelenko called the AMA the American Murder Association for banning HCQ. It's the same thing with Ivermectin, with ANY effective treatment and they've had both of these all along. The evidence of safety was known for botht over decades, and its efficacy had lots of evidence from indepencndent doctors, but they excused theirmurder by demanding trials that couldn't be done in the time allotted while the trials already done were sufficient to justify its use. And of course this kind of informqation is censored by nonmedical keepers of social media too. It's hard to avoid some pretty horrifying conclusions from all this.

What should happen is that all the medical personnel who have let themselves be politically intimidated into withholding effective treament should mount a huge protest en masse, defy the orders en masse, get hold of the effective drugs and administer them accordeing to the known protocols. It would have to be "en masse" because it would be less likely that large numbers would be fired. HOWEVER, what we need these days is GUTS to stand up against the evil powers.

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