Sunday, May 16, 2021

"News" that's Really Lying Provocative Propaganda for the Left is One of the Evils We Need to Stand Up To.

Speaking of standing up to evil powers, one of the headlin3es that greeted me yesterday created the usual helpless feeling of being cornered by lies we have no way of countering. It happens all the time, it was rampant in the Trump years but it hasn't stopped. Why the media want to destroy this country I'm not sure, I suppose they are duped by Communism same as so many others are these days and suppose themselvewas to be righteous instead of supporters of mayhem and murder.

Anyway the headline that punched me in the stomach this time was
Gohmert downplays January 6 riot in speech from the House floor, falsely claiming 'no evidence' of armed insurrection.

"Falsely claiming" is the evil evil addition to what should be a simple statement of what Gohmert said and nothing more, if there were any such thing as honest objective reporting going on. But of course there isn't these days, we get headlines and stories all the time that pretend to objectivity but are really leftwing -- oh yes it is always leftwing -- opinion. Propaganda. We don't get to condsider what Gohmert said on our own, as intelligent human beings. we must be fed the Communist interpretation of what he said. We must be made to understand that what he said was false because that's the only line the leftwing will allow. And it's discouraging to think that there must be a lot of people who take it straight and that's why they know they can get away with it.

So I read the CNN story to find out what he said and why it's false. He was objecting to the media narrative that the entry into the Capitol building on January 6 was an "armed insurrection" and CNN won't let him make this objection cuz they want to paint a picture of an evil right wing insurrection fomented by Donald Trump. But if you read the story all they are saying is that ONE of the participants was "either carrying or had access to" a firearm. Golly Gosh, EITHER carrying or had access to and they don't knbow which. Does ONE participant maybe possibly carrying but not using, or merely having access to, a firearm, constitute an "armed insurrection?" Well, idiotically, insanely, they want their readers to think so and apparently think their readers are stupid enough to accept such a ridiculous statement. Also apparently some were "armed" with other kinds of "weapons" although oddly these "weapons" were not described. Surely even the average liberal out there can see through this craziness

I don't know how to judge the January 6th event myself but I know when all I'm getting is leftwing spin that prevents me from finding out what really happened. Even from CNN's article it's clear this was no "armede insurrection" for pete's sake. Oh I see farther down the page that they list a baseball bat, a chemical spray, and a knife? as other weapons found on a few people. But remember that onlyh one personwas killed by the violence itself, and that was a woman shot to death by the police as she climbed through a window. A polieman who died died of a heart attack or something like that though for a while the media tried to pin i t on the "violence." Anyway if this was an armed insurrection it was the most inept armed insurrection in the history of the world.

Also it had absolutely nothing to do with anything Trump did or said on that day. It was planned in advance and Trump hadn't even finished his speech when the first people entered the Capitol buliding. Also he said nothing in the slightest bit provocative. He mentioned the plans some had to peacefully protect in front ot fht eCapitol, that's all, and this constant line about how he caused the event is just lying propaganda, which i guess those on the left believe because, well, those on the left believe what the leftwing media tell them. Sad to say.

And that brings me to Liz Cheney. Sigh. She talkk a solid conservative line until she gets to her recent refrain about how the Republican Party has to give up on Trump because they must be a party of the truth. And her idea of how it isn't currently a party of truth is based totally on Trump's continuing belief that the election was unfair, and that he was responsible for the "insurrectioN" on January 6th.

Well, that second accusation is a complete lie. Does she believe it? I guess she must but I can't see how she talked herself into it. And concerning the election she seems to think Trump is the source of the allegations of fraud. But all that came from witnesses to the fraud. I don't know if I even heard Trump mention it until later, but I did hear many many witnesses on many news programs destcribe many kinds of fraud, some small scale but some big enough to raise serious questions about its effect on the election, such as truckloads of ballots delivered in the dead of night. For the courts to refuse to consider the evidence so that we could finally find out whether the election was affected or not is in my opinion some kind of crime.

All kinds of evil we need to stand up to these days. All kinds of drime, much of it actually treasonous. all of it coming from the Left.

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