Friday, May 14, 2021

Baa! ! (The Only Wool Here is Being Pulled Over Our Eyes By the Evolutionists)

Well, I feel another bleat coming on this morning. Yeah, they chide us for supposedly not understanding what the term "theory" means in scientific circles. Cuz we like to complain that evolution is "only a theory." A Theory, you know, is as good as a fact, you know, don't we call it The Theory of Relativity for instance, or The Theory of Gravity? Of course they perfectly well know the point we are trying to make, they just prefer to obscure it and sticking to pedantic definitions is one way to do that.

If "theory" isn't acceptable, "hypothesis" isn't going to do it either. The point is that the whole conceptual edifice of the Theory of Evolution is a house of cards, nothing but a mental contruct, a castle in the air, with no reality supporting it. They think they have evidence. They don't. What they claim for evidence is actually evidence for the Creationist view, they've merely co-opted it, appropriated it to their own belief system. They sprinkle their biological observations, which are in themselves usually quite sound, with evolutionistic assumptions that have no inherent relation to the subject matter.

So such and such a feature of a particular creature was "evolved" to do whatever it does. The term is tacked on, it's assumed, but in reality the feature was built into the creature's genome already all the way back at the Creation, and emerged in the normal course of the shuffling done by sexual recombination. Either that or it's part of the Body Plan that's fixed in the genome, goes back to the Creation and defines the creature and doesn't get shuffled.

I guess there's no point in reiterating what i've already said a million times about this. Or maybe there is but I'm not up to it at the moment. You'd think all those formidable IQ points that are bestowed upon the nonscience of evolution could finally figure out that they are simply lost in the thicket of an elaborate mental virtual reality. It doesn't exist.


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