Friday, March 26, 2021

There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are Dreamed of in Your Philosophy

Some things in this book The Judgment of the Nephilm I've heard before, but it took this book to provide the convincing evidence of it. Pitterson quotes copiously from the Bible, commentaries, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries, and the writings of ancient historians. (**************************************************************************************** I had heard, for instance, that the human-angel hybrid children of the "sons of God" of Genesis 6 included the "Greek gods," the heroes of the Greek poets such as Homer. "gods" such as Hercules, Achilles, Prometheus, etc. The "Titans." Hard to accept all that as real of course, but they fit the Genesis account of being the offspring of heavenly "gods" and human women, and since I believe the Bible account it lends credence to the Greek gods too. Reference after reference establishes this connection, it's not just a wild supposition. The "myths" were realities. at least based on realities. ************************************************************************************** It's getting rather overwhelming. I'm just past half way through the book and finding out that the Nephilim/giants weren't just occasional occurrences in the Promised Land but dominated it. Tribe after tribe that are listed in scripture Pitterson shows were tribes of giants though scripture doesn't dwell on that fact. It's possible to read it all and get the impression it was just the usual tribes of human beings with the occasional giants here and there. ***************************************************************************************** He's made it clear that it was the corruption of the human gene pool by these Nephilim and their evil ways that was the cause of the Flood. Also the reason for the scorched-earth slaughter of some of the tribes of peoples later, including babies, who would grow up to be Nephilim. Hybrid angel-humans that can't be saved and threaten to destroy all humanity itself. ((************************************************************************************** Some odd phrases are at least becoming clear. Scripture describes Noah as "perfect in his generations" which is an odd way of saying he was a righteous man if that's all it meant. But what it means is that he was completelyhuman, didn't have any Nephilim blood in his ancestry. Wow, woluld I never have figured THAT out. (**************************************************************************************** So how did the Nephilim seed survive the Flood and overrun the Promised Land anyhway? Pitterson traces it to Ham's wife who must have carried it. It was their son Canaan who apparently fathered most of the giants in the land of Canaan. Or all of them, it's not clear yet. (*************************************************************************************** Turns out there are plenty of books by people who DID figure out most of these things, those old commentaries for instance, but for some reason not much is made of it in today's preaching. It's not that the information isn't there, but it does take some sleuthing to bring it out, Giants galore, threatening to overwhelm the bloodline of the Seed of the Woman, the prophesied Messiah. **************************************************************************************** Yikes!

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