Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Time When Righteous Indignation Against Evildoing Is the Real Evildoing

A while back I mentioned that I've been experiencing a sort of persecution for decades now, which I connect with a sin I committed back before I was a believer. Not a sin that to my mind reaches to a level deserving of such treatment, more an embarrassment, which makes me think there must be a lie somewhere in the rumor that's fueling it all. And the level of persecution is way overkill for a nobody like me. Besides which those I tell about it don't believe me. I admit it's outlandish, I see why they'd think it's just paranoia, but I remain convinced it isn't. The persecution experiences come from many people. Certainly seems like it must be paranoia. But if I see I've misinterpreted something I'm pretty quick to recognize and admit it. That isn't happening with most of these ongoing experiences. Yet why would anyone bother to torment someone like me anyway? Why would the devil bother for that matter? Guess I'm not going to know what it's all about in this lifetime. **************************************************************************************** The Lord has made it clear that His grace is sufficient for me and that is reassuring but I don't always hold on to it and yearn to be rescued from it. These things happen in church too, that's one of the main reasons I no longer have a church. Other reasons have to do with my physical infirmities. ***************************************************************************************** It's also comforting to know that I must belong to the Lord because the devil would be nice to me if I belonged to him. Not that I am able to hold on to this perspective consistently either. If the Rapture happened today would I be in that number? And if I was wouldn't I be used as a reason to discredit the Rapture? They are going to find ways to lie about it anyway, they'd make use of a pariah here, a sinner there, etc. **************************************************************************************** All those "Christians" who didn't get raptured, well doesn't that prove it wasn't God's doing? The devil is very clever, got to give him that. He knows how to lie to great effect. If before the Flood it was violence and corruption of the human gene pool, now it seems to be lies lies and more lies. Very effective too. Good is evil, evil is good, people who are trying to right wrongs are said to be doing the wrongs. I discover that every time I listen to someone like Rachel Maddow, anyone on the Left really. Trump is still their favorite "evildoer" for sure, though he's nothing of the sort, twisting his meaning is just about automatic now. They say he was asking for some kind of unethical action to lend support to his ambitions, when really what he was doing was trying to right a wrong -- in more than one incident, it's kind of a formula now. So clever. ************************************************************************************* But lots of us on the right get the same treatment. Christians are probably particularly targeted by the evil one although his human agents may not be aware of it. The whole thrust of current "liberalism" is nothing but a perverted sort of moralistic fingerpointing. That's really all it amounts to. It's ideologically driven, has no correspondence to any reality whatever. Truly it's got to be the invention of the devil himself. Well, Marx was an actual satanist. Oh yes he was, an actual follower, a devotee of the evil one. So politics today is nothing but lying character assassination couched in pseudopolitical terminology, fake social analysis, lies lies and more lies. That's all there is to it. All in tones of righteous indignation. Lies lies and more lies. If I AM raptured I'd like to think I'd said something that could make it possible for some people who are now in thrall to the lies to see through them. **************************************************************************************** Well, this post certainly took a turn there, didn't it? Should I rewrite it? What's the point of airing my "paranoia" anyway? Well, maybe it will be useful if the rapture does come soon.

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