Thursday, March 25, 2021

Our Own Tower of Babel in Defiance of God

Still reading the book The Judgment of the Nephilim, and just happened to be in the chapter about Nimrod and the Tower of Babel when I got an email with a link to the new One World Trade Center observatory: ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** The tower itself has been open about six years though I'm seeing it for the first time. It's quite an impressive human achievement, which is what makes it an interesting coincidence. ********************************************************************************** The most important thing about the attack on the WTC on 9/11 in my opinio, is that although it was God's judgment against America, a warning shot at least, and to the world as well since it was an icon to the world that was downed, there was no acknowledgment of God in our respose to it, no hint that repentance was in order, except perhaps in a few Christian churches . ****************************************************************************************** Some years ago I got fascinated with Jonathan Cahn's observation of events in New York City after 9/11 that strangely literally echo a passage in the Old Testamewnt about the arrogance of the Israelites in defying God's judgment:
10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cutdown, but we will change them into cedars. 11 Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him, and join his enemies together;
*************************************************************************************** I argued at length for the specific correspondences between that passage and events in New York City clearly connected with 9/11 and clearly indicative of a spirit of defiance against God, but all I want to say here is that the attitude expressed by Israel as quoted in Isaiah 9:10-11 (and the scriptural "address" is pretty interesting too) is the same attitude America has had about 9/11. "They can't do this to us, we'll just build bigger and better." But of course it's God who is in charge of all things and God who brought judgment on the nation on 9/11. It is God we are defying by building the One World Trade Center to replace the two towers that were destroyed. O foolish nation that trusts in mere human powers and forgets God. ******************************************************************************************** Nimrod and the Tower of Babel also make an interesting connection, since Nimrod is considered to have been the first globalist, who wanted to rule the world instead of just his own nation, making the Ond World Trade Center an interesting echo of that ambition. Like a lot of other things going on these days of course. Globalism is in the air. ******************************************************************************************* So. A reminder. The only way to turn back God's judgements iw repentance.

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