Saturday, March 20, 2021

Revived Roman Empire, Islam and "Mary"

Something I forgot to add to the last post or the one before. On Jan Markell's radio show her guest pastor Barry Stagner said that during the Tribulation the Church will be out of the way, raptured of course, but also that radical Islam will be out of the way, and I must have missed how he thinks that is going to happen. I may go back and see if he explains it somewhere but whatever he thinks the explanation is I have to disagree. (******************************************************************************* My disagreement is based mostly on Chris Pinto's belief that the papacy has been behind the influx of Muslims into Europe and as far as possibsible so far into the US as well, which he interprets as their plan to use them as the weapon of their revived Inquisition against us "heretics," Protestant Christians as well as others. With a Pope as the final Antichrist and Mystery Babylon as the Harlot Church of Rome along with all the little harlot religions it is incorporating into itself, the Tribulation period will be a revived Inquisition for sure. Throughout the Middle Ages the RCC martyhred some fifty million Protestants or protoProtestants along with some 17 million Jews, Muslims, witches and others (according to Plaisted). Then the Reformation came along and put an end to it for a while but with the Jesuits dedicated to overturning the Reformation they've never stopped plotting to regain their power in the Holy Roman Empire. The RCC itself is regarded as the continuation of the Roman Empire through that era, and that is what will no doubt be revived after the Rapture with the Pope at the helm The Reformation is no doubt the "wound" that will be healed when the revived RCC and its Inquisition resume. ***********************************************************************************&&&&&&& Islam figures into this in more than one way. Some have interpreted Islam as one of the legs of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream as reported in the Book of Daniel, the other being of course the Roman Empire. Islam began at just about the same time as the Bishop of Rome was elevated over all the other bishops to dominate European Christendom as the Holy Roman Empire. Islam and the RCC have been at odds of course but the Pope has been courting them assiduously lately, and Chris Pinto makes the case that Islam will unite with the RCC through "Mary" as they also revere her and many Muslims visit the sites of her supposed appearances. (*********************************************************************************************** So Mystery Babylon will incorporate Islam as wwell and why should they give up their jihad? It expresses essentially the same thing the Inquisition does, the aim of ridding of the world of all "infidels" to establish Islam, in this case the Islam-RCC harlot religion. Through the sword when conversion fails. *********************************************************************************************** It is the worship of "Mary" which has dominated the last few Popes as well as this Jesuit Pope, which apparently also captivates Islam, that gives some credence to the idea that "Mary" is the "Beaast" of Revelation, to be worshipped by the whole world. I think it was Alexander Hislop who suggested this possibility in his book "The Two Babylons."

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