Saturday, March 20, 2021

Why the Rapture Will Be the Trigger for the Tribulation/Day of the LORD, plus other loose ends

Realized I didn't fully appreciate my own thought in the previous post. Seems to me now that since Palm Sunday was the day on which the Seventy Weeks prophecy of Daniel ended at the 69th, leaving one "week" or seven years yet to be fulfilled, and that the same day inaugurated what is known as the Church Age, the day that the seventieth week resumes will be the same day the Church Age comes to an end, and that will be with the Rapture. ***************************************************************************************** Certainly the Rapture IS the ending of the Church Age. And EXACTLY at the end of that same day the seven-year Tribulation or Day of the LORD would begin. That is, there would be no gap, the Rapture WILL be the trigger for the Tribulation because it ends the Church Age so that Daniel's seventy weeks can resume, and there's no room in there for a gap. Not the same day but the next day since the weeks are sequential of course with no overlaps. So if the Rapture occurs in relation to Palm Sunday it would be the day after. God's clock is perfect. ***************************************************************************************** Rosh Hashanah is still my next best favorite for the Rapture. I know they say it could occur at any time and all this fussing I'm doing about dates will come to nothing, which it very well may, but I still do think an event as momentous as the Rapture could very likely occur on God's established calender. We probably won't know the year but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for any likely date as it comes around every year. ******************************************************************************************* A couple other loose ends from the previous post: If the papacy is the Antichrist as the Reformers and many of their predecessors proved from scripture, then most or all of those signs that identify him in the book of Daniel were already fulfilled when the Bishop of Rome was elevated to Universal Bishop in 606 AD, I don't remember all the scriptural interpretations but I know he displaced three other Bishops which would be the three "kings" of the prophecy. So the final Antichrist, already having fulfilled many of the prophecies, has only a few left to fulfill. ******************************************************************************************* The Roman Church is Mystery Babylonh the Great in the sense that its pagan trappings, the bishop's fish head mitre for instance, and the image of mother and child, all come down originally from the pagan religion of Nimrod and Semiramis. It is THE embodiment of all the satanic religions in history invented by Satan to thwart the true religion of the prophesied Messiah. I'm wondering if there is even a connection back before the Flood to the Nephilim and the relgion of Cain and maybe this book I'm reading will shed light on that.

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