Monday, March 22, 2021

Book on the Nephilim: The Nature of Angels and Men

Owwwww! This isn't going to be much of a post, more an explosion of feeling: this book I've been reading, The Judgment of the Nephilim by pastor Ryan Pitterson, who is new to me, who was a guest on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times show two weeks ago, this book, this the deepest exegesis of scripture I've run across in a long long time. There is a revelation on nearly every page of it, a bringing-forth of meanings that pass us by in our normal reading of the Bible. Most of us I have to suppose. Which is why God gave us those gifted to be pastors and teachers. ************************************************************************************************ I for one am likely to skim over a passage that isn't completely clear to me, figuring Oh well this is ancient stuff in a foreign language and the Bible is too jam-packed with such mysterious references to spend too much time on any one of them unless it directly pertains to my salvation. Questions are raised in my mind but all I can do is shelve them for later. ********************************************************************************************* Questions. What exactly is meant by "flesh" in the Bible? How can angels fornicate since Jesus tells us there is no marriage in heaven? If they are physically capable of sex why is there no marriage? And why do they always appear as men, never women? If they are able to pass on their "seed" what is that seed anyway, do they have DNA like human DNA that can combine with it in sexual recombination? Apparently so. It is clear that they have some sort of physicality from the many passages where they interact with humans in the Bible, even eat human food. They are usually invisible though, able to manifest in physical form at least and when they do they appear human and are often taken for human. These are some of the questions this book is answering very convincingly, by comparing scripture with scripture which is how we are to read the Bible. *************************************************************************************** I'm only about a quarter of the way through the book, already blown away by what it reveals.

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