Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Great Marxist Takeover of America, the Great Global Plandemic, the Great Tribulation Global Government "Reset"

I'm only too aware lately that everything I write is written into the fanged open jaws of a dragon waiting to devour me and all those who agree with me.  Strange position to be in at the end of life after growing up in a fairly free and secure American environment.  Of course looking back I can see the dragon taking shape decades ago, but he wasn't fully formed until very recently.  

I'm not really worried about myself but as usual worried about people who have no clue about any of this and are likely to dismiss anything said about it as a "conspiracy theory" and the like.  Well there are conspiracies galore underway these days, it's no mere theory it's happening, but a lot of good it does to say so.   As I've said before though, I'm looking at a future scenario when it can't be denied any more and hoping that I can say some things to prepare those people who have no clue at least to have some knowledge of what's going on even if they can't escape it.  Of course I hope there will be ways to escape it and I know for those who put their trust in God there will be protection and strength for whatever is happening.  But that's the condition of course.  This is God's judgment of the planet that is coming.  It may start out fairly peacefully, lulling people into a false sense of security, but then war, famine, diseases such as COVID and others, as well as totalitarian control of everybody is prophesied to follow.  Yes, the Great Tribulation, or the Day of the LORD, after the Christians have been removed from the Earth.  

So I write from between the fangs of the dragon or whatever beast this is, I hope, I pray, there's not much else I can do.  .

So here are a couple of my usual favorite conspiracy theorists as it were.  The first one is the second part of Jan Markell's "The Great Reset" program, the first part of which I posted last week, and the second is Chris Pinto's New Year's Day program.  I'm sure he'll be coming out with another update soon, responding to the January 6th events with some even more dire warnings.  I'm sure some who read this will do it only to get a sense of the craziness on the other side of their political view, but in case anyone takes any of it seriously, all I can say is Please learn to pray and belive there is a God who cares and who sent His Son to die for your sins so that you can have a happy eternal life.  Please.  Whoever you are.  Please.  

(Edit:  I hadn't heard the first one from Jan Markell and after hearing it I think it's not really what I thought it was, an investigation into the Great Reset, it's more a message to Christians.  There is nevertheless some information about this global movement so I'll leave it up.  As for Chris Pinto of course he's also talking to Christians but his information is usually something I haven't heard anywhere else so I think anyone could benefit from it.)

Antichrist Kingdom Rising (Part 2) – Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Pastor Billy Crone - YouTube

NOTR - INTO THE NEW YEAR - 1.02.2021 - Noise of Thunder Radio Show - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto

Added later:  Here's a portrait of the Antichrist who is to be the global leader during the Great Tribulation.  This is a teaching by John Macarthur about a month ago.  He gives the biblical desription of this figure, some biblical examples of earlier types of the Antichrist, and the most recent Antichrist figure Hitler.   He quotes from a book about Hitler showing his fascination with the world of Satan and the demons, and the testimony of people around him that he was in fact demon possessed.   This is what is to be expected of the final Antichrist, that he will be literally possessed by Satan himself, which will confer great powers on him.   I've been arguing for the final Anticrhrist to be a Pope and I have lots of good reasons for that pick but I have to admit that there are ways he is an unlikely candidate.  I haven't given up on him, possession by Satan coudl certainly work an amazing transformation, but as I've said I could be wrong and he cojuld be more of a political figure than the Pope is.  I personally think Obama with his Messianic aura, that was very strong at the beginning of his Presidency, is at least a perfect type for the position.  This isn't a prediction but he's a perfect type.  Whoever it is has to be a messianic type, a usurper of the place of God.    Anyway, here's the link to MacArthur's talk:   

The Final AntiChrist - John MacArthur - YouTube 

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