Sunday, January 10, 2021

They Finally Got that Coup They've been Working on for Four Years.

Oh good grief.   I like Douglass Murray, usually, but he's missing the point in this interview.  He thinks that being ahead in the election at night but waking up to a loss the next morning is just standard in elections and in normal situations it would be.  But there are too many things that were abnormal about this election in certain key states and stopping the election count when Trump was ahead on election night was one of them.  Sydney Powell is no doubt right that it was necessary because they hadn't anticipated his winning by such a big margin so they had to regroup to improve their methods of fraud.  Can't be proved but stopping the count is not normal.  It happened, however, in all the states that had changed their laws in ways that would make fraud more likely, and enterained a whole host of other "irregularities" that came out after election day.  These are all "blue" states.  The rest of the country had no such problems.  They got their votes counted on election night and had their totals by the morning after without having to stop and without any other problems.   Yes it's all circumstantial but it's brazenly irregular.  

Plus of course the sworn testimony of many withnesses in these same states to all those irregularities.  Including the delivery of truckloads of ballots in the middle of the night.  This ONLY happens in those particularly questionable states.  Or really the big cities in those states.   The many witnesses reported on all kinds of strange doings, the changing of postmarks, the changing of dates on the ballots, the feeding of the same ballot into the counting machine over and over and over again.  We saw the suitcases full of ballots pulled out from under the furniture after the Republicans had been sent home.  And we all heard of the armloads of ballots found in wastebaskets and dumpsters that were for Trump.

And then we also heard about how the voting machines could be easily rigged to add votes for one candiate and subtract them from the other,.   

None of this is proof, but there's an awful lot of suspicious activity that should have been investigated or brought to trial and wasn't.  Courts dismissed the suits though under the circumstances it just makes the courts look complicit in hiding whatever fraud is there.  \

There is plenty of evidence.  No it wasn't a normal election in which later votes just happened to overturn earlier results.  No.  There was enough evidence early on to make the loud objections from the Democrats clearly part of the corruption.  When their candidates contest an election they cupport it completely.  Not when Trump contests it.  

The vast majority of Trump supporters share this view.  But thr Trump haters have won by fraud and by shutting us up.

This is not politics as usual any more and there is something very irritating about the way it gets talked about as if it wree.   America is on the brink of being absolutely destroyed as the America it once was, and besides that on the brink of being absorbed into the global government that is going to strip us of our wealth and pretty much enslave us and yet people go on talking about the election as if it were just another normal election.  

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