Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Political Chasm and Why It's Unbridgeable

Sometimes I find myself in a discussion with a liberal about how we might bridge the political divide that separates us, which seems to start out hopeful but soon degenerates as the divide turns out not to be bridgeable by any methods we are able to entertain.  We may start out with a generosity of spirit toward one another, honestly dedicated to making the effort to understand the other's point of view and modify our own in relation to it.   So far it has never worked.  If we started out friends we usually have to decide to end the discussion for the sake of our friendship, and if it's not with a friend but say, someone met on the internet, then it may continue or stop but always without resolution and often some bad feeling.

‎In my latest such experience I was obliquely accused of being a "white nationalist" for which as far as I know there isn't a hint of a shred of a clue that I deserve it.    I was finally able by prayer to transcend it by saying that although I'm not a white nationalist or white supremacist or anything of the kind, I probably have faults as bad or worse, such as taking offense at slights and accusations, so that I could forgive my accuser, But it hurts, and it seems to show a reason this gap is so unbridgeable , a reason from the left, this incessant focus on pointing the finger at individuals rather than offering coherent political analyses. It's the mindset of Political Correctness that originated in Communist circles as a way to control the population, that's it's only point. You can't form an argument against political correctness, all you can do is defy it at your own risk or cower in fear.‎

That's been pretty much the whole objection to Trump, that he's run afoul of their categories of proper attitude.  He actually hasn't, it's all a weird paranoid misreading of ordinary speech and behavior that happens to be conservative in aim, and really that's all.  The man is a simple patriot but he's made into some kind of monster by some kind of word magic it's hard to get to the bottom of.   

He said nothing at his D.C. rally to provoke any kind of violence -- which ought to be clear from the fact that there were hundreds of thousands there completely peacefully, and only a few hundred that broke into the Capitol building, and they did it before he'd finished speaking too.  

I'm being generous to assume they actually believe what they say against Trump although it's very hard to think anyone could.  I've been amazed from the beginning and am still amazed that anyoe could call him the names they call him, let alone impeach him for "abuse of power" that hardly rises to the level of such abuses by many other Presidents, and in fact isn't abuse of power at all but completely within the President's powers aimed at defending the country.  But the paranoia reigns.  If that's what it is.  At the very top it probably isn't an honest misreading but a political strategy though I'll given the average liberal the benefit of the doubt.

Fascist?  Racist?  Based on what?  Nothing other than standard conservative politics.   They turn ordinary conservative politics into something Hitlerian.  It's a mass madness in sofar as it's honest, but as I said some of it has to be manipulative and far from honest.  It reminds me of what happened in Rwanda, which was a completely propaganda-driven slaughter of one tribe by another based on nothing but the namecalling of the targeted tribe by a Catholic Bishop over the radio.  He stirred up tribal strife that had not existed before by labeling the targeted tribe as "cockroaches."  I don't think I ever found out why..  

Our current liberal ideology comes out of Marxism.  It's amazing how much straight Marxism is pushed by average Americans.  BLM is Marxist but perhaps thanks to media suppression of such facts average liberals really don't know that.  Antifa is anything but anti-fascist, it's fascism itself, violence against ordinary conservative Americans.  Reagan was right when he said "If fascism ever comes to America it will come in the form of liberalism."  It's here.  It's been growing for some time but this year will probably see it blossom into its full evil murderous form.  

Again I'm happy that some can see through this, such as Georgia H in her walkaway video "I Was Wrong About the Democratic Party" but how many of them are there?  It may be the simple political motivation of just wanting to survive in D.C. that has so many Trump supporters deserting him at this time, but it's a sad proof of the abandonment of true American ism, which Trump has represented for his followers, that it is happening.  It's a sad harbinger of the takeover of America by, yes, fascism, Marxist style.  

Anyway, I'm saying something pretty simple here.  The po9litical divide is unbridgeable because one side isn't grounded in real political analysis, but in emotion fueled by lies.


Yes I believe that is a fair enough assessment of the divide, but that doesn't mean I'm not aware that there is a great middle ground.  There are liberals who reject Antifa and know that BLM is Marxist and not about justice for blacks.  On eht right however there are anti-Trumpers and I can't put them in that fair innocent middle because I don't consider Trump and his supporters to be extremists but representative of traditional American values.  That makes the anti-Trumpers traitors.  Also those who bailed ship after the assault on the Capitol building.  Yeah, again it has to be said.  Leftists can riot and loot and burn down parts of cities with impunity while a small group of Trump supporters fed up with that sort of thing are subjected to all the legal machinery against them that wasn't employed against the left when it should have been.  No, this is not a conflict between equal sides with or without a more neutral middle.  The hatred of Trump is irrational.  They don't like his hair, they don't like the way he talks, and that with his conservative politics makes him a "fascist."  For his supporters he was the antidote to a Marxist trend that was badmouthing our great Reputlic and doing its best to tear it down, ihe represented traditional American values, hard work, patriotism, traditional morality -- it would have been nice of course if he'd always practice it himself -- Christianity and the like.  He got people off unemployment and built up the economy that had been punishing workers.  NOT some kind of rightwing extremism AT ALL.    Certainly not racism.  These are values shared by many blacks and Hispanics and others.  Certainly not totalitarian tyranny.  That's the tactic of the Left.  We don't censor, they do.    They've stolen elections for years, and they did it this time better than ever.

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