Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sing a Dirge for America

They want someone who could "unite the nation" and Trump doesn't seem to be that man.  I'm talking about an opinion I just heard about what we should do from here and the recommendation was to go ahead with impeachment.  Trump supposedly "indirectly" encouraged the assault on the Capitol.  Not that I can see.  Not in his speech for sure, but also from the fact that the attack was planned a long time before the speech.  It's not possible to compromise with Communism.  That's a lamb agreeing with the wolf on what to have for lunch.  

I don't think there is anybody on the conservative side who coudl unite the nation just because the Left is determined to oppose everything a conservative does.  Possibly a different personality than Trump's would go farther than Trump did but I think it's naive to think any of this was Trump's fault.  It's naive not to know that the Left is determined to take over the country and has been for decades and it doesn't matter who is on the other side.   

I think we're doomed and that is the end of it.  The Left has won.  They've already destroyed much of the Constitution and in the next few months they'll destroy the rest of it.   Hello Venezuela North.  

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