Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Little Roundup of Some of the News


New York Times and Washington Post both published a story a couple weeks ago about plans to attack the Capitol on January 6.    The Sergeants of Arms of the house and the Senate were warned to call in the National Guard and they warned the Speaker of the House and McConnell but nothing was done about it.   

Upshot:  Another reason the attack had nothing to do with Trump's speech.

The attack was well underway before Trump finished his speech.

Upshot:  Another reason the attack had nothing to do with his speech.

And of course he said absolutely nothing in that speech to incite anything but a peaceful protest march.

Listened to an interview of a journalist by Bret Weinstein, Jeremy Lee Quinn:  DarkHorse Podcast w/ Jeremy Lee Quinn & Bret Weinstein: The Capitol Insurrection, A View from Inside - YouTube,  

I'm kind of fascinated with Weinstein because he and most of his friends are liberals who reject most of the insane liberal stuff I also reject, while nevertheless remaining liberals, which is sometimes alienating to me nevertheles.  Or maybe just "alien" is what I really mean.  That is, I have trouble getting into their frame of reference at times.  I actively object to some things they say too but not anywhere near as much as I normally do with liberals.   I don't think I will ever understand the Left's hatred of Trump, even the milder suspiciousness of him by these less virulent liberals.  Just  giving Trump "part" of the blame for the assault on the Capitol has no foundation that I can see, seems to spring from some deep well of anti-conservativism in the liberal breast.  But then there have also been "Republicans' who have said the same thing recently, even Tucker Calrson.  I don't get it.  It makes my stomach hurt.  Oh and Weinstein is proud of his participation in Occupy Wall Street.  That actually turns my stomach.

Anyway, Quinn was in the Capitol building for part of the time it was being attacked.  He interviewed one person who coulde be called a "neo Nazi," and said he encountered only that one.  The guy in the Viking garb was another original, some kind of Pagan he supposed.  He also talked to three "MAGA grandmothers" who had no activist leanings or motivations.  He saw the crowd as "eclectic."  

He also said more than once that Antifa wouldn't have been there because after all they aren't on the right.  Which of course hits me as naive in the extreme.   The whole idea was that they'd be there as a False Flag, pretending to be MAGA people to discredit the MAGA people with their violence.   So far all I've heard about that was the report by Larry Elder, echoed by someone else later, that an FBI source said a busload of Antifa were there.

Weinstein kept mentioning "Q Anon" on the Right but nothing much got said about it beyond that.

Mark Levin tonight, the 14th, reported that a BLM activist known for violent participation in other protests, was just arrested, and that he filmed much of the event.  And there is footage of him as well yelling about burning down the building.

That's about all I've heard so far about Who Was There, and of course I still want to know.  I hope they find every one who was there and prosecute them all for whatever crimes they can be shown to have committed.  It does sound like it was indeed an eclectic crowd.  I hope we get to know just who was there and why.


Dinesh d'Souza says we shouldn't get upset at the insane impeachment but adopt the Anthropological Persepctive which will give us a critical distance from it and the ability to laugh at it.  

You Might Be Surprised to Hear Me Say This About Impeachment... - YouTube 

Nevertheless the fact that such insanity rules in our government is immensely sad.   I don't get the optimism of those who think the country can recover from what the Left has been doing for years now, but most recently their support of the violent destructive and murderous lawlessness by BLM and Antifa in our cities.  That was provoked by a false understanding of what happened to George Floyd, which was just one more false understanding of all the incidents that spawned BLM in the first place.  And then their aggressive attack on those who wanted to have an investigation into the obvious, witnessed, documented, instances of election fraud.  They changed  laws and with Biden in office want to change more laws that derive from the Constitution, destroying the whole foundation of our Republic.  How do we recover fromt that?


It would be good to know what part of this debacle was in some sense intentionally designed to disrupt American life -- and yes I think there is reason to suspect some of it was -- and how much is due to confusion, stupidity and propaganda-driven irrational fears.   

Golly gosh, did you know there have been extremely few flu deaths throughout this Flu Season?  Golly Gosh I wonder what that means?  COVID scared off the flu?  Naa, they are just confusing flu cases with COVID, or maybe intentionally confusing them because there is money available for COVID deaths.    Along with that we have what some report is an epidemic of false reporting of COVID deaths due to the presence of the virus in people otherwise severely ill who died of, say, a stroke, or heart attack.  It's called a COVID death no matter what.  So just how many of those three hundred thousand  COVID deaths were really COVID deaths?  

  Which is not to triviliaze the virus, because there are definitely populations who are very vulnerable to it.  So why aren't those populations protected and otherwise let the virus be treated the way we ordinarly treat the flu?  After all the younger healthy people have a nearly hundred percent recovery rate and even the oldest groups' recovery rate is over 95%

But of course I'm still reacting with outrage when I hear the statistics every day, that they seem to be determined to drum into us for some reason, maybe to annoy us to death or scare us to death. I'm reacting with outrage because I KNOW that the vast majority of all these deaths could ahve been prevented if there had been a program of giving hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic, either Azithromycin or Doxycycline, and Zinc at the first symptoms, before people wree sick enough to be hospitalized.  That would have spared the hospitals being overwhelmed with COVID patients, which would also no doubt have prevented many other deaths by other ililnesses that have been pushed off the schedule because of COVID.   Now there is this other drug Ivermectin which I haven't read as much about but which seems to work in the early stage as HCQ does.  And then there is this Zinc-Quercetin combo I've been taking because quercetin also acts as an ionophore as does the HCQ, to open the cells so that the zinc can destroy the virus.   But oh my, no, we can't have such a rational solution to the problem.  Politics, greed, other more malevolent motivations? Probably all of the above.   It would be easy to think that there is a conspiracy to kill us all.   Or maybe just keeping us all locked up and adding that to the other ways the country is being destroyed.

Hey.  Have a cheery New Year.

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