Monday, January 18, 2021

I Wish I Understood all this Better. Why the Left and Right are Not Just two political parties but are at war for the soul of America.

 A liberal complains that "Make America Great Again" is some kind of provocation, that last word "Again" in particular.  The thinking goes that America hasn't been great for blacks or for Native Americans so it's phony to claim it was ever great at some time in the past and then something happened to make it less great and now we're getting back to it.  

This is so wrongheaded where do I start?  I have to say that it is at least interesting to find out how a liberal thinks about this, if "interesting" is the right word.  It would never have occurred to me that someone could take offense at that slogan if I hadn't heard it explained.  All of Trump's supporters knew exactly what he meant, and he certainly meant no offense to anyone, certainly not along the lines mentioned above.  I get it now, but it's sad.  I would have thought any American would have intuitively grasped Trump's meaning but clearly that was naive of me.  It's amazing anyone could take offense at it it, but their taking it that way does illuminate the different assumptions on the left versus the right.  

He, (or they)_ also thinks that a determination to stick with the MAGA idea is mere "partisanship"  that makes unifying the country impossible, and  not patriotism.  Sigh.  I should be glad, I AM getting more of an inside look into the lliberal mindset here, that's got to be worth something.  But it's also depressing.

One more confusion before I comment.  He also thinks he's love to be a conservative, but he can't be given the current inequities that need to be redressed.

Yes this is all very illuminating, explains quite a bit really.  I don't remember where I heard something similar recently from someone else but now having two liberals say it gives it an acurate reflection of liberal thinking.   That other source said that the right thinks in terms of individuals and the left in terms of people groups.  

OK.  This being a fair analysis of liberal/leftist thinking, here's what's wrong with it.  I more or less said it in the previous post.  This political divide we have been experiencing, that has grown to a yawning chasm in recent years, is NOT a normal split between different political agendas that can take turns being in power without danger to the nation.  This divide is a real danger to the nation.  Absurdly the Left thinks so too and that really IS absurd because they represent the kind of thinking that directly undermines the original philosophy of the American founding.  

They really don't understand this.  They've been educated by the Hate-America Marxist Left at least since the sixties, and the true principles of America have never been taught as they should have been at least since then.  For one thing the sixties radicals succeeded in getting the universities to drop their requiired courses in American History and Institutions and Western Civilixation.  Thanks to them we aren't allowed to think in terms of American Exceptionalism, which used to be a matter of pride:  America is a beacon of liberty to the world, a beacon of goodness and kindness.  Not only are Americans privileged to enjoy such freedoms but we have also aimed to help other neations rebuild after war and develop democracy and do on.  It doesn't always work, there are some countries that prefer their religiopolitical totalitarianism and we've been naive to think we could offer them something they'd consider to be better.  But the point is we are not and never have been "imperialist," but completely the opposite, and it's the Marxist left that laid that insane epithet on us, along with all the other evils they've indoctrinated generations of young Americans into.  Multiculturalism, for instance, is a direct attack on the American system.  America was always a Melting Pot, a place where immigrants learned how to live and defend the American principles of the founders while maintaining their cultural heritage in all other arenas.  Multiclturalism however, creates a nation of warring POLITICAL agendas that undermine the American foundations.   The idea that we could have a population of Muslims who want Sharia Law and that is not understood to be utterly and completely inimical to America itself is frightening.   

And now we've got this Political Correctness that is all about human foibles being made the tyrannical rule of the nation, from Racism to Xenophobia to Homophobia to all that rot and it's ruininjg the culture.   Whites have had no better time of it in the world than any other people group but the Left has decided to target whites.   Life is a struggle for a lot of us.  That's not America's fault.  And they are lying, either lying or misguided, maybe both.  The whole foundation of BLM is false.  There is no systemiic racism any more.  There are many successful blacks who will tell you so if you will listen.  And the incidents that provoked BLM are equally experienced by white.  I've heard that from many sources including black souruces, but you won't hear it from the leftist news outlets.  

So the Left's thinking in terms of people groups is another attack on the foundations of America, but we're all so ignorant of the abiding principels that guided America from its founding we don't readily recognize such a threat to them.   And besides those of us who would defend them if we did recognize such a threat, there are now whole generations of people who have been brainwwashed into rejecting the American foundations themselves.  Some of those people are now in Congress and other political offices throughout the land. 

America's poltical foundations are unique in the world.  There were certainly many precursors in Europe that the founders adopted, others they rejected. othersv they refined, and alhough I say this with some confidence I am very aware how little I know of all these things.  I get bits and pieces of it from conservative sources and I wish we all knew more than we do.   We were also origially a strongly Refornation Protestant nation and that had far more influence on the liberty and prosperty and general happiness of this nation than you'll find acknowledged almost anywhere these days, but certainlyl not on the Left. 

Anyone who thinks that people groups or tribes, races or cltural entities. should have any particular standing in America is missing the whole point.  Tribalism has no place in America.  Also missing it if they think conservativism isn't really possible as long as there is inequity for any such people groups.  They confuse the system with fallen human nature.  If the system functions as it was meant to it is the best method of controlling the inequities fallen humanity is prone to.  If you attack the system for such inequities you are attacking the best remedy ever invented for dealing with such inequties.    As John Adams said, however, our form of government is designed for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate for any other.    And he had to have meant by "religious"  biblical Protestant because other religions do NOT favor our kind of government.  In those days, however, Protestant Christianity is what people in America meant  when they talked about "religion"  Unfortunately they didn't know enough about other religions to know that they are fundamentally different from Protestantism in ways that threaten the Republic.    They should have but they didn't.

The sixties were not only the great cauldron that brewed up the Marxist flavor of the Left for following generations, it was also where the greaest assault on the religious and moral identity of Americans took its greatest hit.  Anyone who lived through that era can identify the sea change that took place then. 

Those who think in terms of tribalism, people groups, don't know that they are expressing one form of Anti-Americanism.  As of the biden Presidency we are going to have eseentially One Party Rule from now on.  It's been engineered by fraud and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it.  they've systematically silenced all conservatives, starting with accusing us of the most ridiculous offenses from racism to insurrection, all lying excuses to silence us.  They are shuttig down the platforms that allow us to speak.  We've always thought it would come from government but now it's coming from Big Tech and big corporations.    

What we have right now is not two more or less equal political parties, we have one party that supports the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and one party that trashes them both and America in g3enerla.  You cannot have "unity" betwen two such factions.  It isn't possible.  Patriotism means supporting the founding principles.  Conservatism means supporting the founding principels.  Unlike the Left the right has no utopian vision, just the practical vision of preserving the system that governs best in a fallen world.  The Left has no clue to that.  When 5they do get a clue we may see some pretty dramatic conversions.  The film About Clarence Thomas shows his great convsrsion  from a radical activist to a staunch defender of the American vision when he and a few helpers set about discovering just what this nation was meant to be.  It made him the Constitutional originalist we know him to be today.  And the young woman Georgia H who did the walkaway video "I Was Wrong about the Democratic Party" which I hope can still be found at You Tube, had a similar eyeopening experience when she finally learned what coservativism is after years of being brainwashed by the left.  THIS IS WHAT WE NEED.  More education in the real basis of America.  People think they get it and they don't.  Maybe it's too late but God is in charge and time will tell.

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