Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Forces of Darkness Have Won, might as well face it

 It's been clear for years that America is under Gods judgment.  I say that from time to time.  But I keep hoping that nevertheless God will have mercy and will again bless us.   I've noticed that time and time again protracted prayer has accomplished nothing.  Prayer for revival over the last few decades has brought no revival.  Prayer for the nation, oftten quite fervent, even in great prayer meetings such as the one last summer in Washington D.C. hardly made a dent in the forces of darkness, that went on to "win" the eleo Michelle Bachmann who was interviewed last week on Jan Markell's Understanding the Times radio, she saw many prayer groups at Trump's rally and in the Caqpitol building before the brection.  According takin.   Hard to avoid noticing that God is not hearing our prayers, not for revival, not for the nation.   Sermon Audio hosted a year long prayer for revival that ended in December.  No revival.  Wistfully I remember the many accounts of great revivals that started from a very small number of people and grew into great revivals in short order.  There was a great revival in New York that started from one man's prayer and grew to millions.   The Great Awakening that began with the preaching of Whitefield powerfully revived the nation just before the revolutionary war.  But God is no longer listening.  The nation has gone too far and He's abandoned us.

John MacArthur just preached on this subject.  God has abandoned us.  The nation just voted for Satan he said.  Well, why not?  Satan is the prince of this world for now.  Over the last few decades every kind of violation of God's Laws has become just about characteristic of the nation itself.  the reformation that would be needed for revival to be deserved is impossible.  There is no remedy for it but punishment, and just the proliferation of sin is punishment.  Adultery, divorce, homosexuality, gender confusion, lies. greed, deceit, fraud, theft, unrestrained violence, murder.  Gode won't give revival to such a nation, or most likely any kind of blessing at this point.  He gave us Trump though, and he did a lot of good in spite of the incessant attacks on him.  But that's probably the very last blessing God willl give us.

So what's next?  More anarchy and murder?  The absorption of the nation by our enemies and ultimately submission to global powers that hate what America was oridinally meant to be.   Then maybe the Rapture of the Church leaving the world with nothing but unbelievers, even people who think they are Christians but aren't, following by the Day of the LORD when He pours out His wrath on this errant globe.  

But then Jesus will return at the end of it.

It MUST be coming soon.

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