Monday, November 9, 2020

HCQ the cure that is ignored for greed and power. The Zelenko Protocol for its use.

Finally getting some informatoin about Dr. Zelenko, the first name i'd heard as having had great success treating COVID with HCQ.  Way back at the beginning, early March I think.  But I didn't get to know anything about him until recently.   Here's a really good interview with him.

Then there is a long paper titled The Zelenko Protocol which links to lists of documents by Zelenko and others on the use of hydrxychloroquine with COVID patients, and where at the top of the page you are directed to click on a link to find out his recommended treatment for COVID for high-risk, and low-risk patients and another link that tells you his recommended treatment for preventing COVID, which includes using Quercetin< Zinc and Vitamin C for low-risk people.. This alternative combination is also recommended to be used in larger doses for high-risk patients when HCQ is not available.
Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol Twitter: @zev_dr 
Prophylaxis is an action taken to prevent or protect against a specified disease. Greek in origin, from the word "phylax", meaning "to guard" and "watching."

 Low Risk Patients 

Young healthy people do not need prophylaxis against Covid 19. In young and healthy people, this infection causes mild cold-like symptoms. It is advantageous for these patients to be exposed to Covid19, build up their antibodies and have their immune system clear the virus. This will facilitate the development of herd immunity and help prevent future Covid-19 pandemics.  However, if these patients desire prophylaxis against Covid-19, then they should take the protocol noted below. 

Moderate Risk Patients 

Patients from this category are healthy but have high viral-load exposure. This group includes medical personnel, caregivers of high-risk patients, people who use public transportation or may otherwise be exposed, first responders and other essential personnel who are crucial to the continued functioning of society. These patients should be encouraged to take prophylaxis against Covid-19 in accordance with the protocol noted below. 

High Risk Patients 

Patients are considered high risk if they are over the age of 60, or if they are younger than 60 but they have comorbidities, that is, they have other health conditions that put them at risk. These patients have between a 5 to 10% mortality rate if they are infected with Covid-19. These patients should be strongly encouraged to take prophylaxis against Covid-19 in accordance with the protocol noted below. 

Protocol for Low and Moderate Risk Patients: 

Elemental Zinc 25mg one a day1 Vitamin C 1000mg once a day2 Quercetin 500mg (OTC) once a day 

If Quercetin is unavailable, then use Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg (OTC) once a day 3 Protocol for High Risk Patients: Elemental Zinc 25mg one a day Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ4 ) 200mg once a day for 5 days, then once a week If HCQ is unavailable then use Low and Moderate risk protocol.

 The treatment protocol once a person actually has COVID is at a separate link. Mostly a higher dose of the same things with additional treatments as needed.

So frustrating to know about this treatment that could have been savintg lives all along and have no way to do anything with the information.  It's nice to know there are doctors out there who use it and are in a position to do someting, and yet they can't get a hearing either.  Even Zelenko says he is often unable to to get hold of HCQ. 

Every time I hear the news reports on new cases of COVID and the death count going up I want to run screaming in the streets about the homicidal political corruption going on.  It's going to continue to be the case that a minuscule percentage of cases will actually die but NOBODY should have to die.  

Why isn't there a big uprising about THIS?  Mobs are destroying parts of cities for a big fat lie but nobody is demonstrating against the suppression of a drug that could save people.

Lately I have the feeling I am dying.  Just don't feel well.  Had it before though and didn't die.  Maybe just depressed.  Won't know until I know.  I like this particular health guru, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who has a very radical approach to diet for preventing disease that is hard to follow but convincingly based on studies so that I wish I had the energy to follow it.  Or the money to spend a few weeks at his retreat facility.  But neither is really possible right now and I wouldn't really mind dying.  Not too happy about the idea of pain of course, and I really don't want to die of COVID so I'm going to do my best to avoid that with the zinc-quercetin combo since HCQ isn't available that I know of.  In a way I'd be very happy to die now.   I'm unable to do anything about the problems I write about here, might as well go where I'll be a lot happier.

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