Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Chris Pinto radio show anticipating the election

 One of my favorites, Chris Pinto, who just put out a new documentary I must see, the true Christian History of America, did a radio show just before the election that I didn't get to until now.   http://www.noiseofthunderradio.com/show-downloads/

It's an hour long special, twice the usual length of his radio shows.  He gives his opinion that the only way Biden could win is through fraud, which may very well be what we are seeing right now, whether there is any way to prove it or not.  It won't be for lack of trying if not, considering all the lawsuits being filed.  I put a link in the previous post to lawyer Sydney Powell's discussion of the evidence.

Although it's about the election he spends a lot of time on the threat of Islam, one of the dangers of having a leftist government, amply demonstrated by Obama.  Recent beheadings in France make Islamic motivation clear.  The crazy thing, I'm saying this here, is that so many people ignore the stated aims of Islam to take over the world for Allah.  I think I must have quoted somewhere in this blog the statements to that effect from many Islamic leaders in the book by Ramon Bennett, Philistine.  If I find my post on it I'll put the link here.  

Pinto points out that the Islamic (Sharia) law that even private speech against Islam is to be punished is like the Inquisiion which punished "heresy" even when expressed in private.  According to Pinto, the right of freedom of speech came out of the Protestant Reformation, one of the concepts that is often wrongly imputed to the Enlightenment instead.   Opposition to the tyranny of the Roman Church in Europe was the inspiration for much of the Constitution and American law, and that was the project of the Reformation..  His new documentary about the true Christian heritage of America includes this sort of observation gleaned from his research.

And since a revival of the Inquisition is what I've said I expect to be a big part of the Tribulation period of the last days, Islam's growing influence in the West is right on schedule for that event that feels like it's right on the horizon.  Pinto has said at other times that he thinks the move to bring Muslims into the West, ostensibly out of compassion, is most likely because they would prosecute the Roman Catholic Inquisition against Protestants when they get strong enough, which would also fit nicely with the Marxist agenda which is already poised for global dominance.   

He also argues with prominent pastor John Piper's refusal to vote for Trump which means not voting at all, and wonders how many Christians would be influcenced by Piper.   I don't think he did a very clear job of answering him though.

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