Monday, November 9, 2020

A Ramble about the Election.

So this is what we deserve as a nation.  This is what God wants.   I took it all quite calmly, which surprised me, or maybe it was more like receiving a blow to the head that deprived me of all feeling.  I don't know.  But all it took to lose the calm was getting a messge from a liberal friend with whom I'd never discussed politics at all, just knowing it would be a disaster in this case.  And she probably had the same instinct, until now when she must have thought the messabge was so sweet that it couldn't upset anyone.  I don't know how to explain it otherwise anyway.  This was an email she got from the owner of a buienss that sells cooking supplies.  I'll edit it for length.

With all that needs to be done to overcome the cruelty that has taken over the Republican Party, and the damage that cruelty has done to America, Election Day 11.3.20 was never going to be a finish linebut simply more of a starting gate.  Still, there’s no need to rush right through that gate….  Take some time to unravel it from your life, and I don’t know, maybe eat a salad or two.

The truth is this president has never been the real cause of what has gone wrong, but merely more of a symptom.   There’s a big effort ahead of us to really uproot the issues our country faces….  Soon enough we will all have to be back at it reaching out to a larger world with empathy, hope and kindness as best we can. … Thanks for having the kindness to cook.  You make goodness possible.

Totally blew my cool.  The self-righteousness, the sanctimoniousness, the ...the... imbecility!  The absolute lack of critical perspective on his opinion, both enrage and astonish me.  Does this guy think all his customers are liberals?  ARE all his customers liberals?  Has he any clue at all that he's accusing over 70 million conservatives of heinous behavior?  I hope he doesn't.  I hope he's just uncritically lost in his own closed box of assumptions and has no contact with the real world, because otherwise he's he's engaging in a politically divisive act I can only see as truly genuinely certifiably insane, accusing Trump supporters of cruelty or of supporting a cruel agenda.  . 

But this is typical of liberals rthese days, so why am I so astonished?  They say outrageous things about Trump and his supporters seemingly without the slightest concern about offending anyone.  Or not caring if they do, having gone beyond any sense of their opponents as human beings into the kind of mentality that dehumanizes the opposition.  We're just  "deplorables" after all and Trump is Evil Incarnate.   

What's evil in all this is how Trump and his supporters have been treated for the last four years, the lies and slanders, and the political ideology they emanate from, that hates America and seeks to destroy it and replace it with Communism.    We wonder whatever happened to treating your opponent with basic respect.  What happened to the time-honored peaceful transition between Presidential administrations and the grace given a new President for his first hundred days?  That one went out the window when Trump came into office.  Whatever happened to civil discourse?  I have not found it possible to discuss politics with any liberal friend,  one or the other of us has an emotional meltdown before we get very far.   There have been some sincere efforts to make it possible but without success.    Of course I see it as the fault of the Left more than the Right, far more:  the liberal agenda is being called from behind the scenes by powerful people who WANT to create chaos, although the average liberal may think he shares in a reasonable perspective on the world as if nothing had changed since decades ago.  For this idea to stand, however, he has to be deprived of facts that contradict the narrative put out by the main media, and of course the leftist media see to it he continues to be so deprived..   

So they think the daily rioting in Portland isn't rioting, it's all peaceful protests, because that's what the media tell them.  So they think BLM is a civil rights organization based on injustices to black people by the police.  No clue that it's really part of the Marxist agenda that goes back to the sixties which gave it a huge kickstart although it had been brewing for decades before that.   Since the opposition is defined by the Marxist agenda as "oppressors," and bogus history rewrites are used to justify the bogus claim, they don't know they are accepting a planned denigration of the opposition similar to what the Nazis did to the Jews, or the Catholic radio propagandist in Rwanda did to the Tutsis by calling them "cockroaches" to stir up the Hutus against them.  No, this isn't evolved tribalism, this ispropaganda-manipulated mayhem.  They think if you call Trump Hitler that's because he really is an evil fascist like Hitler, though it's all made up to demonize the opposition and justify any kind of unjust action against them they want.  Lying words have been the chosen weapon against Trump  and his supporters too, and since there is a pretty complete blackout of any opposing point of view it's succeeded oh so well at actually convincing liberals of the lie.  They are sincerely convinced..

Another liberal friend sent me a link to another extremely offensive opinion piece from before the election, about how the only "decent" vote would be for Biden:   I may have to come back and quote some of that here later. 

Now I hear about an organization that treats "the Trump Agenda" as if it were Nazism itself and calls for punishing those who supported it.   Something Trump Accountability.  Right, punish your political opponents for disagreeing with you.  Great, you really want to unite all of us.   The Trump Agenda as understood by his supporters is a pro-America agenda like most conservative agendas though more focused and aggressive than the usual versions.  Bring back American prosperity and American goodness and undo decades of Marxist destruction.  But by redefining the Trump Agenda as something evil, such as separating children from their families at the border or keeping them in cages, they can justify all sorts of enormities against Trump supporters, even to dragging ordinary Americans out of their cars and beating them nearly to death, just on the basis of lying propaganda.

If Cooks-supplierMan, quoted above, had any sense of reality, he couldn't so blithely condemn 71 million Americans as he does.  That's the main clue that he's thinking ideologically and irrationally.  Unfortunately most liberals think the same way.  Too many people think this political dividie reflects two more or less equal sides in a difference of opinion, having no clue that the Left id ideologically driven by hidden forces bent on destroying America.  The devil has done his work well.  He controls the vast majority of the sources of information that might disabuse the ordinary liberal of this great folly, the mainstream media, the social media, the universities, the entertainment industry.  

What is the "cruelty" that man has in mind?  You'd think by now I could get inside the liberal mindset well eough to rattle it off, but I can't.  "Keeping children in cages" on the border?   Because they have NO clue whatever that it was the Obama administration that initiated that system at the border that is being blamed on Trump.  And those are cages anyway, that's a chain-link fence cordoning off a large area.  What else?  The constant refrain of "racism?"  The Left is being driven by lies and if Biden-Harris really are elected we're going to be governed by lies.  Again.  All in the name of compassion and kindness and empathy and goodness.  It turns the stomach.

So I mentioned the Trump Accountability project or whatever it's called tht was brought up by Heather on the Dark Horse podcase, that wants to punish anyone who supported the Trump agenda.  Three items of the Trump Agenda as they see it were specified.  Separating children from their families at the border, promiting anti-semitism and racism, and killing people by COVID mismanagement.  Heather responded that the first two are false but thinks Trump does deserve the accusation about COVID.  She wasn't specific and I'm not sure what she had in mind.  The vacillation about masks?   

 Seems to me he acted very fast by shutting down travel with China back at the end of Februrary, and got called xcenophobic for it by Biden and the equivalent by Pelosi who made a big producting of going to a restraurant in San Francisco's Chinatown to underscore the accusation.  Then I remember Trump's energetic plan to get American businesses to retool for the production of needed medical supplies, and his quick action in builiding an alterantive hospitla in New York as well as sending a medically equipped ship.  Which Cuomo ignored while he sent sisck people to the nursing homes where they infected the elderly residents whose deaths then drove up the statistics in New York.  But that's Trump's fault?  What else?   Supporting hysdroxychloroquine?  Which is very clearly THE cure for COVID which the Left has so denigrated nobody tgrusts it.  The power of propaganda.  Not supporting the wearing of masks?  That might be a fault I'd agree with but on the other hand we were getting so many contradictory messages about masks I'm not sure any President would have known which side to be on.  Apparently they don't really work becauyse the virus easily passes through them although they stop large droplets that may also carry the virus.  I don't know, what else?  Considering the confusing that has reigned on this subject around the world why should Trump have been expected to know exactly what to do?  And then he wanted to open up the country because the lockdown has maybe ev3en more serious effects on people than the virus.  Is that what they are complaining aBout?  

So that came up on the Dark Horse podcast yesterday.
As usual I like a lot of what the Dark Horse duo have to say, but certainly not all of it.   Bret really does think that Trump committed an abuse of power in asking the Ukrainian President to look into the allegations about Hunter Biden.  Why?  I'd guess because golly gee it just sort of SOUNDS like abuse of power to him.  And there wasn't much more than that behind the whole impeachment of Trump either, although Weinstein at  least does dee that there was a huge politically motivated conspiracy against Trump in all that.  However, all the conservative commentaries I heard said the request was well within Presdiental powers and even responsibility to uncover such a corruption if it existed.  Seems that a lot of the attacks on Trump are based on things just not feeling right to people utterly ignornant of politics at the Presdiental lefel.  Even the Ukrainian President defended Trump and Trump kept saying there was nothing wrong with that phone call but no matter, the ignorant know better.

And I have to mention that in another podcast a while back Weinstein explains some of his own ideological perspective when he says the American system is fantastically productive but its spoils are not fairly distributed.   "Spoils?"  Since when are the fruits of an individual's labor labor some kind of "spoils"  subject to "distribution" anyway?   Capitalism is fantastically productive in a free society, but by what law are those who do the producing obligated -- by the state -- to share it?  Obligated by God, yes, but Weinstein is talking about things on the human level as if he wants just what the Communists want, governmental control of the fruits of an individual's labor.  And besides, America's prosperity has always benefitted all Americans, what sort of "fair" distribution does he envision?   The usual leftist methods drive entrepreneurs out of the country where they can't benefit anyone else anyway.  And it turns out that Trump's reduction of taxes that strengthened businesses and increased employment actually brought more revenue into the government than before and that gets ignroed too.  Revenue for all the programs dear to the hearts of liberals.

He also seems to think there is SOME justification for the protests in this upposedly unfair system of distribution?  Some kind of justifiable frustration?   Even though the supposed basis for ti in racism turns out to be false?  

We know there was a lot of fraud in this election -- from the Left of course, surprise surprise.  Enough to change the outcome I don't know.  Maybe we'll never know.    Trump administration lawyer Sydney Powell yesterday described incidents that are being investigated:

Well, this is a fallen world, the Founders did what they could to take that fact into account with their checks and balances,  but a determined criminal mind can overcome it.  As John Adams said, our system was designed for a religious and moral people and is wholly inadequate for any other.  We're the "any other" now.  Come soon, Lord Jesus.

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