Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Multiple Sources of Election Fraud

 Already for weeks we'd been hearing of ballots found in dumpsters and wastebaskets, one bunch all marked for Trump.  We were getting uncontrolled mail-in voting, ballots submitted in the name of dead people and multiple ballots sent in by one person, new election laws enacted at the last minute by officials with no authority to make such decisions, all to loosen existing laws in a way that makes fraud easier.  No enforced deadline, ballots accepted long after the end of election night, no requirement that signatures be matched, postmarks fraudulently changed acording to one whistleblower,  legally pernitted observers kept from getting close enough to observe what's actually going on, under the excuse of social distancing although arrangbement s could have been made to put up plexiglass barriers and weren't.  Large numbers of  boxes of ballots to be counted delivered well  after election day to a number of polling places at 4 in the morning.  ALL in Democratic states run by Democratic governors.  Republican states were somehow able to get their ballots counted on election night, but not the Democrats.  In many precincts where Trump had a clear lead on election night, vote counting suddenly stopped and some time later all these extra ballots started being "found," every last one of them without exception marked for Biden, and in numbers that couldn't have been better calculated to overthrow Trump's earlier lead.  And that's not even to mention the fraudulent suppression of conservative opinion by Big Tech social media.

All circumstantial evidence of course, and when the Trump team started with the lawsuits we got loud objections to such supposedly unjustified conspiracy thinking for which there was "no evidence."  Al Gore got 37 days to have recounts done in Florida in 2000 without Bush interfering, declaring victory on the basis of the first count, got four different recounts and only then was Bush declared the winner.  But not this time.  Biden has declared victory, complaining about Trump's insistence on recounts and fraud checks, Biden supporters have even done victory dancing in the streets,  and Biden is acting like he's the President while these efforts to check the validity of the election are barely underway.  And this time it's not just one state but many states that are being checked.  

All circumstantial so far, yes it is, but there's an awful lot of circumstantial smoke here for there to be no fire.   And now I'm hearing about the possibility of some truly meaty evidence of large-scale fraud that may make a big difference very soon.  This is the testimony of Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney about a computer program used in many precincts that changes votes from one candidate to another.  This is the Hammer program which McInerney says was altered by a program called Scorecard invented by a Dennis Montgomery from a defense surveillance program to a vote switching program that is designed to flip something like 3% of the vote from Trump to Biden.   Montgomery's story is told here (and you may have to pick your jaw up off the floor after hearing about the level of corruption reported on here):     I heard McInerney interviewed by Larry Elder on his program at 5 PDT  this Tuesday, and here's Steve Bannon interview of McInerney done before the election:

Here's another pre-election  interview of McInerney about the Hammer/Scorecard program:

Until all this started coming out, despite the huge turnout for Trump, and despite knowledge of fraud committed in other elections by Democrats, and despite plenty of suspicion about this one,  I was willing to think well maybe angry Leftists did manage to get out the vote in enough numbers to pull off a legitimate win.  

Now I'm well beyond such a naive thought.  It may still be possible that the numbers will add up for Biden despite all the fraud, but while I say it's possible I really doubt it.   I just hope it's possible to get a fair and accurate reassessment of what really went on.

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