Sunday, October 25, 2020

Prayer and Repentance or Entertainment?

 Big gathering in Washington DC a month ago for "Prayer and Repentance," that God would give us revival.   Just what I've been wanting, right?

 So why am I disappointed?  I've watched half an hour of it and I'm terribly disappointed, discouraged.  Is this the Church of Jesus Christ?  Is this Prayer and Repentance?  Does this please God?  It's like a big entertainment, rousing speeches and rock music.  Instead of inspiring me it's making me cry from disappointment.  I don't know if the fault is my own or I'm seeing this accurately.  I'll have to pray about it for a while but I'm afraid I'll conclude I'm right.

It's supposed to be the Church responding to God's call in 2 Chronicles 7:14:   "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from Heaven and heal their land."  LORD, are they doing that?  Will you hear and heal our land?  

I'm going to keep watching at least from time to time, it's many hours long, hoping I'll be more in tune with it as it goes on.  But has there been any hint of revival in the month since that gathering?    Again, is the fault with me or am I right that the tone here is all wrong?


A lot of good preaching after the above.   But.  But I suspect there are many churches represented there that could be considered apostate,such as signs and wonders or spiritual-gifts churches, and I've been arguing that God is not likely to bless those churches with revival, He'd only bless the churches that have a basically sound biblical doctrine.  But I'll keep listening.  

Oh, and I found Gordon Robertson's talk objectionable in the extreme.  He thinks we need to repent of racism.  Well, maybe some individuals need to repent of racism, but it's been proved beyond a doubt by police statistics that there is no SYSTEMIC racism, and no evidence whatever that racism of any kind played a part in the deaths of the blacks that BLM has made the reason for their protests.  BLM itself is a self-proclaimed Marxist organization that has just about no interest in black lives.  Why doesn't Robertson know these things?  Iknow why most of the public doesn't:  media suppression of the truth, but Robertson shouldn't be dependent for his information on the mainstream media.

And Voddie Baucham, a black preacher, made a point of joining a mostly white church because he says it takes determination to mix the races in the churches, NOT because of racism as Robertson claims, but because the racial communities naturally gather with their own race.  We should probably repent of that habit, but it's not racism.   Or if it is then the black churches are just as guilty of it -- it was hard for Baucham to make the decision to leave his black community to join a white church.  He considered it a duty to act on his conviction that there should be more of a racial mix in the churches, but it wasn't easy for him to give up his own community.

 If we need to repent of something in the context of the rioting and destruction we are seeing today done falsely in the name of racial injustice, we need to repent of failing to use the proper authorities to quell it.

I haven't listened very far yet, a little over an hour, and although there have been some very sincere biblically astute talks and prayers offered, I don't see any fruit in actual revival from this gathering after a month, and I'm suspecting there are reasons God won't honor it with revival that maybe we don't know and aren't looking for diligently enough.  I'd love to be wrong, I'd love to see a great revival come to this nation, but as I've mentioned a njumber of times here, there have been many calls to revival in thelast few decades that have not brought about revival, except for some bogus charmismatic demon-powered"revivals."  If enough Christians were clear-sighted enough to recognize such apostasies and not join with them,  maybe, just maybe because I may not know enough about it either, but maybe God would THEN give us revival.  We need a LOT of prayer too though, one weekend tgathering isn't going to do it, we need consistent persistent protracted prayer by many Christians.

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