Friday, October 23, 2020

Why the West is Being Destroyed

 We in the West should be weeping as the Porphet Jeremiah wept for his nation under God's judgmednt.   The West is being systematically destroyed.  Europe is going first, but America can't be far behind.  I like Douglas Murray, I've heard him now in a discussion with Bret Weinstein on Weinstein's Dark Horse Podcast, talking about the rioting in Portland and how American leaders are not interested in stopping it.  Now I'm listening to an interview with him about his book The Strange Death of Europe.

In a quote from his book he says that Europe has given up on her traditions and has lost the will to defend herself against the foreign invasion that is destroying them.  

This is an honest assessment but obviously from someone who himself doesn't really understand the nature of  the traditions that are being lost, doesn't appreciate for instance that what made the West the West, what made the West the place the whole world wants to be, was Christianity.  Christianity is the source of both a rational liberalism and a rational conservatism.  Unmoored from that source either can go wrong, but at the moment it's the liberal side going wrong.  True faith and obedience to the supernatural Christian God is what we've lost.   The list of stellar men of faith in Britain is staggering, and all that has been lost in less than a century.   It was the abandonment of Christianity that began the downward slide to destruction.  Just as the destruction of israel lamented by the Prophet Jeremiah was God's judmgnet for their abandonment of God and His commandments. 

In Leviticus and Deuteronomy blessings and cursings on the nation are spelled out in some detail, blessings for living by God's commandments and cursings for abandoning them.  We are to take these passages as applying to all nations, especially those who have had a commitment to the God of Israel, as the Christian West originally had.  Among the consequences given of abandoning God is the invasion by foreigners.  This is how Europe is being destroyed right now.   It is God working in the minds of the leaders of a nation to bring about such destrucrtion.  Once God has been abandoned His enemies accomplish His judgments for Him.  

I know what MIGHT stop this whole destruction in its tracks, although ti may be too late as there is a point when it is in fact too late to turn back God's judgments, and that is if the majority of a nation realized the cause of the problem and turned back to God, people in great numbers getting on their knees in repentance, asking for His forgiveness and seeking to live by His rules again.   You laugh.  Or maybe you cry.

In America the policies of the Left are clearly aimed at the destruction of the nation and one of them is the same kind of foreign invasion seen in Europe, through foolish "compassionate" poolicies, and our insufficeintly policed borders.  The lies that fuel the destruction of cities are another part of the judgment of God, also coming from the Left.  That's why we hope the Left won't win this coming election.  But they may.  God may be through with us.   I've hoped for a great revival to turn the tide, but too many of the churches are too far into heresies and apostasies for that to be a strong hope.  So I do a lot of crying myself.


All that is very general of course, and there are what are caled "proximal" causes or issues involved that may or may not be of value in this discussion.  For instance there are definitely conspiracies involved, such as the rewriting of history textbooks to indoctrinate students against American history and toward a global Marxist historical outlook and specifically the acceptance of Communism in the place of the American founding ideals.    This is known to have been accomplished through the work of the great tax-exempt Foundations, Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and Guggenheim.  All this has been discussed by Norman Dodd in an interview that can be found on You Tube.    There is also an interview of Yuri Bezmenov, an ex-KGB agent about Soviet work in the US for the same kind of purpose of subverting American culture.  It's in the last fiteen minutes that Bezmenov describes what he considers to be the immensely successful propagandizing ("demoralization" and "destabilizing") of Americans.  A note beneat this video says it had been taken down as "hate speech," an interesting interpretation of that bit of current political correctness, but the interview itself has been circulated as a DVD so even if they take it down again there are people who possess it.

Then of course there was what should really be thought of as the great Marxist revolution of the sixties,, which among other things provoked the removal of required courses in American history and Western Civilization at all our universities, and led to the the huge influx of Marxist professors into those universities where they have been indoctrinating students ever since.  The whole social justice way of thinking comes out of that influence, it is NOT just a development from normal liberalism or the Democratic party, it has all been orchestrated by committed Marxists.  The current actions of Antifa and BLM have historical roots in these things, they are far from a grass roots uprising on behalf of racial justice, in fact their connection to racial issues is extremely tenuous at best.  It should all be understood as the playing out of the revolution planned for almost a century now by the American Communist Party that came to prominence in the sixties.  They aren't particularly interested in black lives at all, they are using incidents that aren't even racial when you finally get to know what really happened, as a vehicle for their anti-American anti-Western ideology, the destruction of the West altogether and its replacement by their utopian fantasy of Collectivism.  With themselves at the top of course.

There is also a huge Jesuit influence in all these things, still hard at work in their never-abandoned CounterReformation by which they aim to destroy Protestant nations.  Chris Pinto is a major source of this kind of information, and the Marxist activities mentioned above as wel.  He has two websites, Noise of Thunder Radio where he reports on such topics of interest,   and Adullam Films where you can buy his many documentary films on such topics as the history of America and the history of the Bible..    

All this must also be understood as part of God's judgment on America and the West.  Marx came up with a plan diabolically designed to destroy Western civilization and it is working beautifully.  

Every kind of Biblically defined sin is now embraced by the West, and the whole "woke" movement which started out as all the Liberationisms of the sixties, all of it comes out of Maxism or Communism, it's even on their lists of objectives for taking over a culture.  Homosexuality is the latest.  Romans 1 describes how it is the result of the abandonment of the true God.  There is very likely demonic involvement in it as well as in all the gender confusion cases we're hearing about lately.

Turning all this back is likely beyond any merely human effort, it's a supernatural problem at root and it needs a supernatural remedy, if one is possible at all.

If we can't have a general revival why not at least revivals in what is left of the good churches?. Granted there is no perfect church, there are doctrinal flaws in all of them, but if they are basically sound they should be avidly seeking revival just in their own corporate bodies.  Enough of such revivals scattered across the country might have a dramatic effect on turning the tide.  It would take committed prayer by the congregations of these churches, daily prayer  I would hope, including repentance for individual and corporate sins, and maybe God would hear,  I wish.  I hope.  I pray.  Have mercy, LORD, let it be so.  Amen.

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