Monday, October 26, 2020

The HCQ Saga Continued: Early (February) tests of Chloroquine for COVID

 Very interesting VERY EARLY (February-March) infor\mation about Chloroquine for COVID -- not Hydroxychloroquine.

Side effects are mentioned and as I understand it from other sources there can be very severe neurological side effects to Chloroquine, which can also be lethal at high doses.  The doses mentioned, 500 mg a day or even twice a day, if repeated over a few more days would accumulate to a lethal dose according to Dr. Simone Gold in that video I've posted of her and Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter.  Such a cumulative lethal dose was the reason the Brazil study failed.  From what I've heard so far Hydroxychloroquine is safer but of course if has to be prescribed within limits too.  

This video I'm linking above is interesting both because it shows very early testing and success of Chloroquine with COVID, especially in South Korea and Italy, and because it goes into quite a bit of detail explaining how it works:  it is an ionophore which acts as a "gate" for bringing zinc, which is an ion, into the cell where the zinc prevents the normal cell mechanisms from replicating the virus.  It will allow whatever zinc is already present to enter the cell,  but as I understand it, the most effective method used now is to add zinc along with an antibiotic to hydroxychloroquine  (I'm not sure why the antibiotic is used) so that there is even more zinc available to tbe cells.

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