Monday, August 3, 2020

The Pope and the WCC Coming Together

I'd sort of known one of my great-nephews was doing some videos at You Tube on Christian subjects, but I'm not in touch with him and don't really know much about his point of view.  My brother sent me a link to this one and the first few minutes of it are right in line with some of my own recent blogs so I thought I'd post it here.

Maybe I'll get to talk to him about these things eventually and see how far we may agree or disagree.  It looks like he's into doing a lot of research which is good since I'm not up to doing much research  myself with my bad eyes, and in this case he's discovered that the apostate World Council of Churches and Pope Francis are teaming up in interesting ways. 

The RCC alone could be the basis for the final One World Religion but it's got to be able to pull in all the other religions for the Grand Finale of the Tribulation period.  The Popes have been working on this for years, making all kinds of concessions to all the world's religions.  Pulling in apostate Protestantism must bring them close to filling up their collection.


Added Later:  Oh I'm really enjoying this as I keep listening.  C Jay notes that the UN Secretary General is a Jesuit, as is Pope Francis, and that tghey seem to be operating in synch for peace among nations, which is exactly what the first horse of the Apocalypse represents, peace on earth, of course the peace that isn't a real peace.  And Jay goes on to identify the Jesuits as the "CounterReformation Arm of the RCC" which they are. 

 The Jesuits have been notorious for their efforts to undermine and topple Protestant nations over the centuries since the Reformation and if you look deeply enough you can often find them at the very root of many political uprisings.  It was a Jesuit who invented the term "Social Justice" for instance,  one Luigi Tapparelli.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to find them firmly ensconsed at the base of all the Marxist destruction we are seeing in America right now, but just getting across that it IS Marxist has been a big enough project for the moment.    It turns out there has been Jesuit influence behind many historic bad guys such as Marx himself, and Stalin and others.  Chris Pinto has looked into this and I should check out his recent messages.   I don't know if my greatnephie puts any of this in the context of the Last Days scenario I've been pursuing but maybe that can be my contribution to his thinking.   

Back to his very interesting video.


Still later:  Great stuff Jay.  You've done your homework.  You're doing a great job of showing how the Vatican is already working hard to put together the One World Religion that must be in place during the period of the Great Tribulation, which you may not be studying yet so I'll just point that out to you.  I think it is very close.  The Rapture comes first and then the Tribulation over which the Antichrist reigns both politically and spiritually.  Which history shows they already did in the Middle Ages, which the Reformation took away from them.  They've been waiting all this time to reinstate the power they had then, only now over the entire world, not just Europe.   Separation of church and state by the way is a uniquely American concept which was a reaction to exactly what the RCC did in Europe.

Fascinating to hear that Francis has an agreement with China that gives the RCC power over all the other religions.  So very jesuitical of him, or maybe just papal.  According to the current understanding of end times biblical prophecy which I've come to accept, the first act of the false Messiah/ Antichrist will be to make a covenant with Israel for seven years, terms unspecified in scripture.  This comes from the Book of Daniel which is foundational to much that is to unfold during the Tribulation which is spelled out in Revelation 6 to 18.  Some may think the idea pretty far-fetched that Francis could be the final Antichrist, but the more I know the more sure I am of it, and your information gives a lot of support to the idea.

I'd quibble with your remark about Trump but I'll keep it brief:  I don't like his schmoozing with the dictators either, especially since he was schmoozing the Chinese when he should have been defending Hong Kong against them.  But I give him the benefit of the doubt that he thinks you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar as it were, and he thinks it better to treat people as friends for the purpose of getting their cooperation.    You could argue whether that is a good strategy or whether it is working, but don't suspect him of  bad motives.  Trump is a businessman and a sort of chess player.   He might lose the game, but it may not be quite the same game you seem to think he's playing.

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