Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I'm beginning to think Francis' moves might tell us when the Rapture is about to happen

Continuing to listen to my great-nephew's podcast about the Pope and the World Council of Churches and happy am i to find him so consistently on the side of the angels.  My Millennial great-nephew, son of my Gen X nephew (who, by the way, is the one who almost thirty years ago first told me about the meaning of the "666" I've presented here many times), and grandson of my Boomer brother.   Fun stuff to find a family member whose study of world events helps me with my own view of what's happening and how it's all leading up to the Grand Finale.  A happy discovery but of course I hasten to say that the actual outcome of all these things is not going to be happy at all for those who have to go through it, it's just happy in the sense that it's thrilling to see prophecy fall into place and especially when it comes by unexpected connections such as this one.  .

I just got to the part of Jay's talk that's about Israel and how the WCC wants the EU to put sanctions on them for continuing to claim the land that is theirs.  (By the way, a few minutes later, about 49:40 he apparently misspoke, saying the WCC and the Vatican came out "against" sanctions, which was confusing.)_+_ Well, it's all in keeping with biblical prophecy but it's sad.  God will rescue Israel in the end but meanwhile one cringes at the thought of what they are going to have to go through, known as "the time of Jacob's trouble" or the Great Tribulation or The Day of the LORD, the seven-year period of Hell on Earth that's coming soon.     

Jay has shown that the WCC and the Vatican, and the UN as well, are linked in their global aspirations, the "unholy trinity" as he called them.   I have to see all this as confirming my own feeling that it's all so very close you can almost feel the breath of the Beast on the back of your neck.   And it gives strength to the view that the Roman Church is in fact the revived Roman Empire and the seat of the World Religion, sitting on the seven hills of Rome.  Francis is already acting as if he's king of the world, as the Popes do tend to do anyway, making speeches about peace, agreeing with the UN ceasefire resolution, making agreemens such as with China that put the Vatican over other religions (those who will take the Mark of the Beast in the end.  And the Mark of the Beast may be something that ties a person to the Roman Church.)  Then he's quoting the Bible as if he's on the right side when the reality is the opposite.   

So Francis is already doing what the first horseman of the Apocalypse is to do when Jesus removes the first seal of what John MacArthur calls "the Title Deed to the Earth."  All this begins in Revelation 6.  The first horseman rides a white horse carrying a bow without arrows, and is said to go out to conquer.    This would be the kind of conquest, perhaps, that Francis accomplished by making an agreement with China to give the RCC dominance over the other religions there.   And of coruse it would also be the kind of conquest that makes a covenant with Israel.  Jay goes on to talk about the power that would be gained by anyone who could bring peace to that region.  At about 44 on the video counter he first mentions the eschatalogical context of all of this, saying what power anyone would have who could bring about, say, the itnernationalization of jerusalem, the partitioning of the land, and the building of the third temple, which has been in the works behind the scenes for decades by now.  perhaps some or all of this would be in the covenant the Antichrist is to make with Israel, which will mark the official beginning of the Great Tribulation with the opening of the first seal.

What is going on between Francis and the WCC and the UN is all in line with biblical prophecy and especially the role of the Pope and the RCC that I've been arguing here.   The WCC's designs against Israel just pulls it all together.  

The WCC is a group of apostate Protestant Churches, mostly "liberal" and focused on this world more than the next, so that it makes sense for them to align with the RCC whose pagan doctrines the Reformers identified as the Great Apostasy itself.  The RC Church/ neo Roman Empire is both "iron and clay" one could say, in keeping with the description of the Roman Empire as represented by the feet of Nebuchadnezzar's statue in the Book of Daniel, because it also has members who are genuine followers of Jesus Christ -- the "clay" -- while the institution itself is not Christian but pagan and  political and in some important sense taking the place of the Roman Empire since 606 AD.  Various Roman Catholic kings of Europe called themselves "Caesar"  -- "Kaiser," "Czar" and Hitler put himself in charge of the third Roman Empire or the Third Reich.  This suggests it could be a political leader alone who would be the Antichrist.  BUT it must be remembered that the Vatican is also a sovereign political state so the Pope is both a political and religious leader in any case.  

Folloing on after 44 on the counter Jay gets into a Vatican document that shows just how involved the RCC already is in the peace negotiations with Israel.  There are similarities with former peace plans including the itnernationalization of part of Jerusalem, the part where the temple used to sit and where now the Muslim Dome of the Rock sits, and the peace proposition beting discussed would put that part of the city under the control of the Vatican.  Hm.    Rebuilt temple, abomination of desolation as the Antichrist presents himself in the place of God.   (The Reformers saw the claim to be vicar of Christ and the claim that makes the Pope "the head of the Church" as already usurping the seat of God in the temple, which the New Testament defines as the people of God, but there could still be a second fulfillment in a literal seating in a literal temple.  If so the Vatican is apparently setting the stage for such an event.   Be that as it may, it is certainly setting the stage for the making of a covenant of peace with Israel.   

Anyway...  When it looks like things are turning toward the actual signing of such an agreement between the Pope and Israel, maybe we can take that as our cue  to "look up for your redemption draws near."


By the way, some draw a rather sharp distinction between the Rapture and the Second Coming, saying that the signs given in, say, the olivet discource of Matthew 24, are meant for the Second Coming and that there won't be any signs for the Rapture.  However, the seven years timing between the events does in some sense tie them together as a unit it seems to me.  Once the Rapture occurs the countdown to Jesus return begins with the Antichrist's coveant with Israel.  It makes sense to me that we are right now seeing many of the signs already in the world, the pestilence in the form of the COVID virus, wars and rumors of wars, the abounding of inquity or lawlessness, and now even the Pope's going around making agreements to consolidate the power of the RCC.  Although for believers the Rapture divides time into normal time and Tribulation time, those who go through the Tribulation will probably not notice any major changes.for a while.  For one thing it is to start with a false peace brought about my the rider of the first horse.  Otherwise, what is already going on will resume and then intensify with the opening of the seals and by the sixth seal they're going to know the Wrath of God has come.  But again, otherwise there's probably not going to be a dramatic change between pre-Rapture events and those that follow.  So if we are already seeing signs, they pertain to the Rapture as well as to the Second Coming, though they'll no doubt be a lot sharper toward the end of the Great Tribulation.  Just my, hopefully sanctified and biblically consistent, opinion.

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