Monday, August 3, 2020

More Convinced that women not covering our heads in church is a great offense to God

Keep thinking about 1 Corinthians 11 where Paul argues for women to cover our heads in church.  Along with the foisting of bogus Greek manuscripts on the Church this seems to me to be another terrible trick designed to undermine the moral and spiritual strength of God's people.   The one essay that had the most influence may have been the work of a godly man, but it was a deception nevertheless.  (I argue all this at some length in my blog Hidden Glory).

There is not one word of what Paul said in that passage to justify the idea that he was referring to a merely cultural practice of any of the different cultures represented in the Church at Corinth.  That has to be read into the passage.  It is not there.  Paul argues from Creation and from Nature and from Apostolic authority, and even from the presence of angels in the churches, and maybe even from common sense;  he says not one word to justify interpreting his meaning to be that it's just a cultural practice and therefore we don't have to take it to have anything to do with covering the head.  Some of those ancient cultures had such a practice but we don't, therefore we don't have to.  Very odd idea since the head is the entire focus of his teaching, both the necessity of covering the woman's head and of uncovering the man's.  As I say in a recent post below, we do require men to take off their hats in church based on this passage, so it makes no sense to interpret the instruction for women to have to do with anything but the head just as it does for men

I've speculated that this could be a reason God has not given us revival over the last sixty or so years.  Since it is a fundamental principle given by God that we are violating, and not the trivial thing some try to make of it, this is a very likely speculation.


Later:  Speculating again.  Wondering how much the weakening of the headship principle in the churches by abandoning the head covering might even have contributed to the rampant moral breakdown in the culture.   Feminism, Sexual Freedom, easy Divorce, Cohabitation without marriage, Gay Rights, the LGBTQ movement, the legalization of pornography and so on.  All the Liberation of Sin movements of the Sixties.    The Church, after all, is supposed to be one of the bulwarks against moral corruption in the culture.  We've been falling down on the job for some time now, and of course there must be many causes, but this could be a big one.   Then of course what seems to have been an epidemic of sexual sin in the churches.  The natural weakness of the flesh of fallen humanity is enough of course, but this does seem to suggest a greater weakness than that, like the little Dutch boy took his finger out of the hole in the dike back there somewhere. 


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