Friday, August 14, 2020

Brexit: Adjustments to the Prophetic Scenario Would be Necessary As We Close In on the Grand Finale

 Now I'm listening to Chris Pinto's radio show on February 7th titled "Brexit and Prophecy" in which he discusses the idea that Brexit throws a wrench into the Pre-Tribulation Rapture or the Dispensationalist eschatology.   I guess the idea is that the prophecy is so hard-wired it can't allow for any sort of deviation from it.  Supposedly the EU has to go forward without a glitch or the whole end times system fails.  

Clearly IT IS IN FACT GOING FORWARD.  The post I just up and in fact most of Richard Bennett's teachings, show that the EU is shaping up as the Holy Roman Empire (which in a sense never died anyway since it was carried by the RCC all along in spite of setbacks.)+

Pinto goes on to say he thinks the enormous influx of Muslims intto the west, which has been promoted by the Vatican, is designed to create an army of anti-Christian murderers to do the work of the Inquisition against Bible believers when the papal EU is fully in power.  Or as he put it, to be the agents of the next Holocaust.

There have been many setbacks to Rome's plots over the centuries, so there being another one in the form of Brexit doesn't to my mind call the final scenario into question.  They probably don't even need to reverse Brexit to bring about their plans.  Since when is national aw any kind of real obstacle to the power juggernaut of Rome?   

Pinto also mentions that  the late Irish preacher Ian Paisley, who called out Pope John Paul as the Antichrist in a session of the EU Parliament some years ago, and believed that the Parliamentary chair numbered 666 awaited the coming together of the finale according to the dispensationalist prophetic system I've also been supporting here.  he believed as I do that the Antichrist is the Pope and that didn't dissuade him from that end times scenario as so far it doesn't dissuade me either.

So Pinto is here laying out his eschatology in more detail, but it still doesn't amount to much more than throwing a wrnech into the Pre-Trib Rapture.  To my mind it doesn't undo it.  I've believed and have been growing in the belief, that the Pope is to be the final Antichrist within that very end times scenario.  I don't see how Brexit seriously unddermines that scenario, just as the identity of the Antichrist as Pope doesn't undermine it.  I continue to think that God gave us some special signs by which to mark Pope Francis for a special role in the line of Antichrists, and although because of his age it seems unlikely he'd be THE final Antichrist i still think it the most likely possibility.  The Popes have generally maintained an image of their right to rule in global affairs, and things are most certainly coming together in a way that legally favors papal rule over Europe, as I've been reporting.  The Day of the LORD has not yet come, there is still a Great Tribulation in our future, and the also-unfulfilled Seventieth Week of Daniel is its likely framework.  Global events with the occasional sidetrack like Brexit (there is still some sanity in the huiman race after all, among us weak vessels of clay)  still point to that Finale.  It looks very close it seems to me.   God said we aren't to know the time, that is in God's hand;  however we are always told to watch and wait and be ready which implies there will be signs we can watch for to give us at least the "season" to be ready for.  If any given idea urns out to be wrong then God will surely show us where we are wrong to correct our bearings, but to this point it looks like things are on track toward the Pre-Trib understanding of the Grand Finale, with the necessary adjustment that it is the Pope we should be expecting to fill the seat of the Antichrist.  He's already shown himself to be God in the templew of God according to the Reformers, so that part of the Pre-Trib scenario may also have to go, but there may be room for a literal second fulfillment.  Watch and wait.

I'm going to be listening to more of Pinto's radio shows and may come back to add my comments on them to this post.

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