Thursday, August 13, 2020

It May Be Too Late But We Have to Try

 This is an extra post on the teaching I linked in the last one, Reformation History, Eschatology, WWII etc., because the churches so desperately need to know these things about the RCC that have so effectively been kept from us for at least a century.  My little blog can't reach anybody but I've got to write it here anyway and pray that God will spread it from whatever sources are available..

Listen to the laws the RCC has in place that affect INDIVIDUALS, ALL OF US, everywhere, even in the United States where our own laws protect us from the kinds of encroachments on our liberty they intend to enforce when they get the power to do it.  And they already have a lot more power than we imagine, through their Concordats with various nations.  Even the US thanks to Reagan has diplomatic relations with the Vatican although they had been put to a stop because of their support of the Confederacy in the Civil War.  Reagan reinstated this relationship.  

Listen and weep, that's all I can say.  And besides weeping it may turn your stomach as it did mine to hear the power they already have over us, YOU AND ME.

American Christians are such a complacent bunch.  The wolves in sheeps' clothing are circulating among us and ready to pounce and we blithely accept them as sheep.  Listen to this talk please.  At least this one.  It's not really new to me I'm sorry to report, I just gave up on trying to talk about it and let it slip out of my mind.  You havew no idea, you have no idea, you have no idea.  

Lord please please give us revival, bring us back to the Reformation solas in all their power, and correct the many secondary deviations that have been crippling even the good churches so that You can bless us with a real outpouring of Your spirit before all this comes crashing down on this world.  Please grant us the knowledge we've been deprived of, and the zeal to change, and the repentance we need so that You will send us Your Spirit in power.  Please..  

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