Friday, August 14, 2020

Being a Bossy Arrogant Know-It-All as Usual.

We have to understand who the Antichrist is.   True Christians down the centuries knew he was the Pope.  The Protestant Reformers came to the same knowledge.  This idea that he is some future personality yet to be revealed is a terrible deception.  He has been in the world for at least fifteen centuries.   Today's evangelical churches are weak because of embracing false ideas such as this one.  We need spiritual strength now more than ever and we don't have it.  If we want it restored we will have to repent of our errors and sins but we have to know what those errors and sins are in order to repent of them.  God will give us whatever knowledge we earnestly desire and pray for.  

The falseness of Catholicism, the falseness of the Charismatic Movement, the seductions of liberalism, and other forms of apostasy, need to be recognized as deceptions and given up.  Ask God to show us.  He will.  

I also have no question but that women need to resume covering our heads in church after some six or seven decades of abandoning it.  The idea that the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11 was telling us that women must cover our heads in church just because one or more of the pagan cultures of his day did so approaches blasphemy it seems to me.    The logic is spurious by which we impute to Paul a teaching given to Jesus Christ' s people  based on the habits of mere culture, especially when he appealed to divine and natural truths as his arguments.   This I've come to believe is one the great deceptions of the Church which has contributed to our current weak condition, is probably a main reason God has not given us the revival we so yearn for, and since it is about God's Creation ordinance of the ordering of the roles of the sexes it has probably had a strong undermining influence in the development of all the sexual aberrations now being treated as normal in the culture.   I wish I could shout this through a megaphone to all the churches.  But they'd ignore me anyway, defend the capitulation to feminism, call me a legalist and so on.  

Another great deception is The Great Bible Hoax of 1881 as I titled my blog on the subject of the foisting of bogus Greek manuscripturs on the Church by two Catholic sympathizers who violated their charge to do a minimal revisiono of the Authorized Version by introducing "new" manuscripts already recognized as false.  This fostered the abandonment of Biblical inerrancy by raising questions about biblical reliability,  made it hard to discuss the truths of the Bible because of all the different and inferior readings of the plethora of Bible versions that resulted, got pastors and churchgoers alike preoccupied with trivial differences in the meaning of words, made it hard to memorize Bible passages when everybody was memorizing a different translation, and just generally interfered with the necessary learning of the Word of God.  A satanic masterpiece of sowing confusion and doubt among God's people.  

If I'm wrong about any of this I'd like to know it but I'm convinced of it after many years of pondering.  

So far I still think the Pre-Trib Rapture thinking is correct, except of coruse for the misidentification of the Antichrist.  

Lord please help us, lead us to the knowledge we need, lead us to repentance of our sins and doctrinal errors, bring us revival.

Here's John MacArthur on the Pope and the Papacy from 2005.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> 

Don't know how to embed it so here's the URL:

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